Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are already several institutions of which we can be proud , and I understand that Cardiff may have a centre for the performing arts in the form of a new opera house .
2 Ross Ferguson should buy a house in Southern Italy up a mountain .
3 His move to IMMA should breed a confidence amongst critics as to the innovative nature of work to be shown there .
4 Forest of Dean council say the ramps were too steep , it 'll cost more than £3,000 to build a better ramp across the Palmers garden and regulations insist the Palmers must make a contribution .
5 Ms Salvage should take a look at what real country living involves before assuming such an image would be dated !
6 Birdwatchers should keep an eye out for a variety of birds including capercaillies , crested tits and crossbills .
7 With leading scorer Chris Armstrong Cup-tied , Coppell must field a patchwork attack because Paul Williams and Chris Coleman are definitely out and youngster George Ndah is struggling for fitness .
8 He indicated that Maria should take a bow .
9 The French also insisted that , until the treaty was ratified by all the member states , West Germany should remain a state under Allied occupation .
10 So far he and his foreign minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , have stuck nobly to the view that Germany should remain a member of NATO , with some ( no doubt far fewer ) NATO troops staying on in what is now West Germany and with enough Soviet troops staying on in eastern Germany for a while to make the Russians feel better about it .
11 Those in authority had decided that Marcus should intermit a year of his education , in order to recuperate , and that he should not live with his father , a man of uncertain temper , of whom he had expressed extreme and unreasoning terror .
12 CPRW must urge a return to responsible planning to provide for the really needy while protecting the open countryside .
13 A preliminary meeting in Manchester in October 1853 got the support of the BFASS committee ; when an inaugural gathering was held Sturge and Thompson spoke from the same platform and it was resolved that the Manchester Anti-Slavery Union should become an auxiliary of the BFASS .
14 Local adjudication offices could not assess individuals and it would be difficult to decide why Mrs. Y should get a top-up but Mrs. X should not .
15 Every.convent should have a child .
16 Bert may have an action for breach of statutory duty but may fail for the same reason as Arthur .
17 A Mob of Netters may have a Boss armed with a club , they may not have a Boss armed with a net .
18 How Dustin would have managed to submit himself to a real auteur like Bergman must remain a matter for conjecture .
19 The Pakistani Prime Minister , Mohammad Khan Junejo , and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain agreed in April 1987 that a peace settlement for Afghanistan should include a commitment to establish ‘ a neutral non-aligned ’ regime in Kabul .
20 When a Jakarta bureaucrat decided in the early 1980s that Indonesia should develop a steel industry , Mr Liem was ‘ encouraged ’ to put up 40% of the $800m cost of the Krakatau Steel project .
21 This must put the Canadian health minister in a similar position to Britain 's Kenneth Clarke , when his advisory committee recommended that last year Depo-Provera should get a licence .
22 Perhaps we shall be saying that Brussels should operate a scrapping scheme , with Her Majesty 's Government as local agents .
23 He found it incredible that Mr Adams should issue a statement within hours of the hospital bombing expressing his concern for patients in the granting of trust status to the Royal Victoria Hospital .
24 Once the prickly and nationalistic de Gaulle had retired from French politics , France suggested in the early 1970s that WEU might provide a link between it and NATO .
25 At other times , the Sheldons might enjoy a debate such as this .
26 With a bit of luck Eleanor might lend a hand .
27 Then Marie 'll put a record on , or sometimes the radio , and we just sit about chatting .
28 Mrs Parvis 'll keep an eye on you .
29 As to planting electronic bugs , you would need an ant colony of them and an army of listeners before you could be reasonably sure of covering every room in London where George Harbinger might whisper an indiscretion .
30 Les Robinson is getting a recall … and Jon Narbett might find a place too …
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