Example sentences of "[noun prp] [subord] [pron] [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A large aerogenerator programme is at present underway in the Netherlands where it is hoped that wind will be supplying about one quarter of Dutch electricity demand by the year 2000 .
2 Is you 've got ta be like that show in the West End where it 's gon na feel like the first time .
3 It is far easier to characterize a madrigal by Morley than it is to sing a song by Byrd , partly because singers respond more intuitively and quickly to Morley 's text-illustrative music than to Byrd 's learned ( but still rhetorical ) polyphonic word-setting , partly because a Morley text will often be a chain of discrete moments where a Byrd text is more complex in syntax and in the connection of its ideas .
4 Ha for God 's sake Jean if she 's gon na move back with him she 'll not want your stuff !
5 It 's hard to admit sometimes I just ca n't help Linda if she 's dealing with something that only she can deal with .
6 The practical effect of this provision is that if an MNP is formed by , say , a merger of a foreign legal firm and an English firm , the firm name used by either may be adopted as the name of the MNP if it is made up of the names of present or former principals who are or were lawyers ; a new name may be used derived from the names of one or more present or former principals of either firm ; a name previously approved by the Council may be used ; or application may be made for approval in writing by the Council of a name which does not otherwise comply with the requirements of rule 11(1) ( A ) .
7 Kerry asks Frankie if he 's thought of retiring .
8 Dad , come and get Marie cos she 's getting out her chair , I 'm just stopping her
9 ‘ Do you think I 'm jealous of Eleanor because she 's spent the last four years with you , and I have n't ? ’
10 Mr Hrawi has not been able to move into the presidential palace in the Beirut suburb of Baabda because it is occupied by Gen Aoun .
11 Mr Hrawi has not been able to move into the presidential palace in the Beirut suburb of Baabda because it is occupied by Gen Aoun .
12 Gailani reputedly stated in an interview in March 1980 that ‘ as regards the West European initiative we support that part which provides for a withdrawal of Soviet troops ’ but ‘ we do not agree with the proposed neutrality of Afghanistan because it is imposed from outside ’ .
13 THE Queen Mother will not be attending Princess Anne 's wedding to Commander Tim Laurence at Balmoral on Saturday because it is feared the 1,000-mile round trip would be too much for her .
14 hi er he 's got to go , he 's got his annual medical , it 's a very high-powered erm thing in Dundee on Tuesday , so Anne said that she would like to come up with him , potter about Dundee while he 's having his medical then they will come here on Tuesday evening , or late Tuesday afternoon , and we go out for a meal , and then of course , she 'll be with me all day on Thursday because he goes back up to Dundee to his managers ' meeting , you see .
15 Nearer to hand , you can also see steeply down 2,500 feet from the Col d'Aspin into the broad valley of the river Aure — the Neste d'Aure as it is called , neste here replacing gave as the local designation for a river .
16 Here is an example spoken by David when he is told that his son has been killed :
17 Already he has looked something special in our 125cc races and has notched doubles at Bishopscourt and Aghadowey but more than that he was third in the 125cc Euro round at Mondello so he is heading the right way .
18 It 's more expensive to manufacture things here in Bolivia than it is to buy contraband .
19 Young people do n't want to enter a hotel as a waiter or bar person , because of the demeaning stigma attached to the job , unlike Greece , Italy or Spain where it is regarded as a worthwhile career .
20 This section deals mainly with the impact of mineral working , and the restoration of exhausted sites , in south and south east England although it is recognised that some of the most serious environmental problems occur in the National Parks and in areas where deep and opencast mining are carried out .
21 ‘ He 's worried about Gairloch so he 's waiting for the vet . ’
22 Alright , what about Jane cos she 's looking at us ?
23 The Conservatives would continue to commercialise and privatise the NHS until it is run as just another business .
24 A particular case of course is in relation to Bosnia Hercegovina , erm Russia has traditionally been close to the Serbs erm and therefore is worried , not only about the situation within erm the old Yugoslavia itself , Bosnia Hercegovina , but also about the reaction erm within Russia if it is seen to take too anti a Serb line erm in the , in the crisis that 's being faced there .
25 There is one there is another one on evaluation that I think , erm I 'll give to Ray because he 's doing that evaluation thing
26 If not , how few Tory Members do there need to be in Scotland before it is accepted that the status quo is no longer tenable ?
27 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he is going to announce the start of the Ardrossan-Saltcoats-Stevenston bypass ; and if he will make a statement .
28 I say Mum calls me Anthony when she 's telling me off .
29 So y y y you , you , you , you 've got at least three things which are all sort of brewing up there and you think good grief what a , what a , what a state to be in because the poor doctor does n't know what on earth to do , poor Jan does n't know , well it 's worse for Jan cos she 's sitting there thinking I 'm going potty or , you know , ca n't stand properly or you know is leaning over or , or numb down one side of her face or , or or whatever it was , it was i i it was the , the dizziness I think actually which which was most alarming .
30 This already happens in Sweden , the United States and Canada where it is considered a much cheaper option .
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