Example sentences of "[noun prp] [v-ing] to [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Third , DNA-PK-mediated phosphorylation of c-Jun is potentiated by c-Jun binding to its cognate DNA recognition sequence .
2 ‘ See , ’ said Renwick pointing to his balding pate , ‘ that 's what happened to me the last time I did n't stop ! ’
3 Right so , you know , there are those who would teach that Jesus he would die for our sins and he 's forgiven us sins , but only those who come to him , Jesus died for the sin of the whole world , for every man , woman , boy and girl that has ever lived or ever will live , he died for the sin of the whole world , not just for those even who lived after his death , that 's why it talks about in the Old Testament people like Abraham looking for that day , and so Jesus who in , when he died , because he 's eternal , so we 've got the problems with time , God has n't got problems with time , he 's eternal and so his sacrifice , the sacrifice of him on the cross was effective for Abraham as it is for you , it was as effective for David as it was for Paul otherwise Abraham would never of had his sins forgiven because what happened with all the sacrifice with all the little lambs that were killed and all the goats and all the rest they only acted as a covering for sin , did n't take them away , it covered them , what for , until the moment when Jesus would come and would take those sins away and so when you think of David 's sin , his adultery and his murder , how does he get forgiven for that because Jesus died from the cross and he takes upon himself David 's sin and he takes upon him Abraham 's sin and Noah 's sin and Adam 's sin , just as much as your sin and the person who will be born in ten years time their sin also , all our sins er as Gloria just read there from , from one John to two they were all of him he has died for every one , well that 's his humiliation , hurry along quickly now his exhortation , the period from Jesus 's resurrection onward is referred to as to the , as the state of exhortation , now what does that term mean , well as Jesus according to his divine nature has always been , he was always every where , now in his human nature , before , be , sorry it 's not , it 's not on that one , but before he , he came to earth , he was every where , he was God , he was , he was omnia present that means he was every where at the same time , but he takes upon himself he 's su , he 's , he 's human nature and he takes upon himself the limitations and when Jesus is walking down second avenue in , in Jerusalem he 's not in Nazareth that 's why there were times when people came to er , to , to , came rushing out because they heard that Jesus was passing by , see he was n't there resident with them , he passed by , now he 's gone back to heaven and where is he , he 's in heaven , he , er whereabouts , where do you think Jesus is now , that resurrected body that was glorified that has gone back to heaven , where do you think it is
4 A corollary of these studies has been the classification of places in the UK according to their demographic , employment , and housing characteristics ( Johnson , Salt , and Wood , 1974 , Warnes and Law , 1984 , Champion and Green , 1988 ) .
5 I. Owing to its scalar character it is more easily calculable than the electric field .
6 They rebuilt the temple of God according to its original design and reinforced it .
7 Sepulveda justified the enslavement of the Indians on the grounds that they were the natural slaves mentioned in Book I of Aristotle 's Politics ; the Dominican Friar Las Casas admitted the frailty of the Indians but argued that they were all the more children of God owing to their very lack of capacity and skill , which still implies a sort of sub-humanity but of a different kind .
8 Only David Weintraub was missing , away in Tokyo talking to his opposite number there .
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