Example sentences of "[noun prp] [unc] [noun sg] be that " in BNC.

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1 UMNO 's hope is that inexperience will be the chief minister 's downfall .
2 The other curious thing about Saturday 's picture was that , alone among the Darlington mourners , Jonesey was n't in formal dress .
3 Ken 's reply was that , if His Majesty had not neglected his own duty of being present , his enemies would have missed this opportunity of accusing him .
4 Freud 's finding was that guilt is , starts off as an aggressive drive in the id that could go anywhere , preferably towards other people , but the superego uses some of this aggression and destructive energy arising in the id and then turns it back against the ego , and uses it to punish the ego , so the aggression , instead of going into someone else or into the outside world , is turned back against the self and to that extent is self-destructive .
5 ‘ What in BAH-REAH 'S name is that ? ’
6 Conneau 's reward was that of an appointment as chief physician , a post which he kept , in some form , until the Emperor 's death in January 1873 .
7 Celie 's loss is that of her illegitimate children .
8 Well I think it was I mean that erm we when you dredge from the Causeway I 'd say near the Harbourmaster 's office and we dredged all the way to Botterman 's Bay just below Pinmill and that Botterman 's Bay was that 's a place where they had and that 's where the big ships used to moor then and they used to get .. be lightened , like all grain goods and that used to be loaded into barges by hand and then when it goes so light they used to the fish with about three thousand grain in 'em and then they used to fill them up in the dock , on the same method .
9 This one was a joint invitation ; alongside Pete 's name was that of Alina Peterson , the Russian girl 's newly-adopted identity .
10 Ross 's complaint was that astronomy was more in need of confirmation from Scripture than vice-versa .
11 A fundamental tenet of Adler 's theory is that human actions are motivated by feelings of inferiority of some kind .
12 Schuman 's proposal was that coal and steel resources in Western Europe should be pooled and administered by both the national states and a new supranational authority acting conjointly , with the purpose of gradually eliminating all tariffs in these heavy industries .
13 Apparently , in his childhood , he 'd give speeches to an empty barn , er , had , would stand in the , in the family barn , erm , giving lectures to the hay , you know , and he , he , he loved this , and he , he was , he had a great erm sense of grandiloquent language and , Freud and Bullitt 's interpretation is that , Woodrow Wilson , in a sense , was a typical politician .
14 Schattschneider 's analogy is that of a fight between two people .
15 For Gauntlett 's product is that most impeccably British of all motor-cars ( not automobiles ) , the Aston Martin : a car so devastatingly English as to make Rolls-Bentleys seem like Hondas .
16 One of the most damaging allegations in Potoy 's report was that lbarra , who was reported to have fled to Miami , had spent approximately US$400,000 to induce five centrist members of the National Assembly to vote for legislation favouring the Sandinistas .
17 Winch 's contention is that to conceive of the relation of an act to the person who acts in terms of the Kantian maxim ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ is mistaken since ‘ there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ .
18 Goldman 's defence was that , as a market-maker in MCC shares , it was exempted from having to disclose its holdings , even though they rose above the 3 p.c. threshhold above which investors other than market-makers must make public disclosure .
19 Stigler 's insight was that randomness in demand provides scope for cheating on a collusive agreement , and creates a problem of statistical inference in enforcing that agreement .
20 Ms Boxer 's philosophy is that china should be flexible , ‘ getting away from the 50-piece matching bridal set ’ .
21 Interestingly , Burrow 's suggestion is that
22 Macedo 's line is that of Chico Mendes , for whom saving the rainforest went hand in hand with saving the way of life of its people and improving their lot .
23 Gardiner 's judgment was that
24 Ramsay 's contention was that , despite the recent emphasis on the South-West , Annandale , Carlisle and the rest , the key hereafter would be on the East March , particularly Berwick-on-Tweed .
25 But Grant 's reaction was that fraction quicker .
26 It is unfair to Moniz because he probably would have developed the technique of prefrontal leucotomy anyway and it is unfair on Jacobsen because the substance of Jacobsen 's work was that frontal lobe removal produced a severe cognitive deficit which no-one would wish on another person .
27 Chomsky 's philosophy is that linguistics should help illuminate the human mind .
28 Chaucer 's self-image is that of a writer , and he reflects upon it by exploring extremes in literature .
29 Clive Turner , who has been in the position since September 1989 , has written curriculum guidance on HIV/AIDS , for the DipSW course , but child sexual abuse is not featured because CCETSW 's line is that sexual abuse and child protection are not DipSW level .
30 So that 's just illustrating Gillian 's point is that , information can come from a number of sources .
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