Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] only [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A Sowaidi should only marry a Sowaidi , a Mansoori should only marry a Mansoori .
2 Like his father , who had appointed him bishop , Richard could only admire the courage and saintliness of Hugh of Lincoln .
3 Bradford slowly got into the game and nearly took the lead when Mark Prudhoe could only parry a piledriver from Mike Duxbury , then punched the ball away from the onrushing Sean McCarthy .
4 Bradford slowly got into the game and nearly took the lead when Mark Prudhoe could only parry a piledriver from Mike Duxbury , then punched the ball away from the onrushing Sean McCarthy .
5 Smith somehow got back to clear Stuart Rimmer 's shot off the line after the Quakers ' new style offside trap was sprung by Paul Comstive , and Mark Prudhoe could only head the ball to the forward 's feet .
6 Forgetting all her questions , Molly could only feel a secret satisfaction .
7 I see from today 's papers that DOL will only need a small operation to remove a blood clout on his achellies .
8 Despite the penetrating runs of Kiwi Test half-back Kelly Shelford and centre Allan Bateman , Warrington could only muster a late try from winger Neil Kenyon in the closing minutes .
9 However , his insistence that the process of sexual selection described by Darwin could only increase the average reproductive success or survival of males is clearly wrong ( Lande , 1980 ) .
10 Removal of 2000 m during the Permian would only require a rate of 53 m per million years .
11 Colt could only abide a short story .
12 TED COULD only enlist the spirit of Churchill to his cause .
13 Hands kept well away from Dronfield , staying at a hotel in Derby , on the grounds that the appearance of an HMI would only implicate the board in Outram 's dismissal .
14 Harry may only have a walk-on part at Birdland , but he 's still the star of the show .
15 The democracy movement outside China may only play a more substantial role if a new power vacuum allows the exiles to return home — although , like Sun Yat-sen 's Tongmenghui party after the 1911 revolution , they may still be outmanoeuvred by domestic political forces .
16 In the darkness Gabriel could only see the shape of a woman sitting on a horse .
17 It was touching and exciting to be there at the end singing ‘ It 's a lovely day tomorrow ’ with Cilla and Su and Cannon and Wisdom and Norden and Ball , and God could only bless the GB Public for their incredible largess .
18 Indeed , Leonard can only recall a volume of the Russian writer Gogol on her shelf , by which she presumably kept in touch with her own more distant — if painful — affiliations , though influencing Leonard , perhaps , unconsciously , with Gogol 's sense of fantasy and comic genius — as well as his need to travel . )
19 To it , God can only utter the dreadful ‘ No ’ which abandons sin to the nothingness that is its own real nature .
20 As long as these fears persist , Mr Horn could only obtain the diminution , rather than a solution , to the problem of the Hungarian minority in Romania .
21 2 mins later Leeds DID score , A McAllister corner , good header on target by Speed , Coton could only push the ball out and Deane swept it in .
22 The tragedy of The Smiths is that Morrissey could only become the victim of the perfection of his style .
23 We all know that Britain will only become a world class economy if we have a strong well-balanced manufacturing base , employing skilled , trained workforce , a workforce which has decent conditions of employment and has legal protection , but we do still have some members within the service sector and within the professional rank and what has happened in the last five or six years to those members ?
24 But Britain and Europe can only play a full role in reducing divisions between North and South from a position of strength .
25 A Lynx will only do a hundred and eighty mile an hour !
26 The Keeper of the Temple will only give the Key to those who have proved themselves worthy .
27 Apart from the occasional siren from the boats on the Thames , Blake could only hear the sounds of footsteps on the cobbled steps .
28 Jenny could only judge the effectiveness of her cool self-possessed act from its results .
29 As late as 1915 Masaryk could only envisage a monarchical future for a Bohemian state .
30 ‘ It has already been said that the Duchess of York will only make a fleeting visit with princesses Beatrice and Eugenie so it looks like that the two royal outlaws will now just be bringing the children to tea . ’
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