Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] quite a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bear in mind that Nottinghamshire is quite a large county there are about one million people living in Nottinghamshire .
2 Gerald Wingfield was quite a well-known painter ; his wife wrote novels .
3 Yes , erm , and , and we , were prepared to subsidise as far as our finances would allow , you know people who are going , but Ex Exeter is quite a long way , so the travel is going to be something is n't it ?
4 This remark , it seemed to him , was on a par with ‘ Stalin was quite a nice guy , basically ‘ .
5 A firefighting course at HMS Phoenix , Fareham was quite a terrifying experience — literally an ordeal by fire .
6 Souness said : ‘ Wimbledon are quite an aggressive side .
7 I had about four hours to spend looking around Ipswich which was plenty of time as Ipswich is quite a small town .
8 But getting into RADA was quite a searching process and I remember doing four one-hour work sessions with some of the tutors there , including the Principal , before finally being accepted for the three-year course there .
9 Yeah erm Ernie 's quite a nice old boy .
10 Brobdingnag is quite a large country , joined on to north-west America , but separated from the rest of America by high mountains .
11 France is quite a nice country it 's just polluted by frenchmen that 's the only trouble .
12 Mr Ridley was quite a private person , but he was very kind and gentle , and worried a lot about his consituents and the country in general .
13 The iron forge at Coniston was quite an important affair .
14 For a brief time , this nook of County Durham was quite a fashionable holiday resort among the health-conscious .
15 George is quite an interesting character in this book .
16 She looked again at the picture : really , Hilda was quite a pretty woman in her way , if your tastes inclined you to that sort of good looks .
17 The Ben is quite a different place in winter , equally as magnificent , but free from Pac-o-macs , folding aluminium chairs , and people who want to know who Benjamin Nevis was and why the mountain is named after him .
18 It 's does smack to me a bit of in-filling and er , Northbrooks is quite a dense area already , a ve , a very dense area erm , and erm I 'm I 'm , you know , I 'd like to see any detailed plans on that before we even look at one in principle .
19 But Elizabeth 's not , Elizabeth is quite a nice person
20 Gerald was quite a frequent ‘ angel ’ , though he kept his investments very secret , and winced at Charles 's question .
21 ‘ I believe Barling was quite a devout man .
22 For all the swiftness of his thought , Morse was quite a slow reader .
23 Er , it takes me an hour to get there , if I 'm lucky now at roadworks and charging time in one day , is like an hour to patch , then you 're out on to the patch , in between appointments running about because Derby 's quite a big area , er , again if you 've got to cover an appointment in Matlock and you 're in Derby in the morning you 're talking a good forty five minute run to get there .
24 Victoria Wood 's quite an attractive bird for a fat lady .
25 I suppose Michael was quite a superficial person but to me he represented excitement and it was a period I had to go through .
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