Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [v-ing] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 And Richard was working then as well .
2 A hundred yards away across the rain-drowned compound Dong and Hoc were weeping openly as they embraced their father in the blackness of their leaking barrack hut .
3 Would she and Stephen be sitting just as they were now and be suddenly unable to remember anything that had happened because nothing would have been real ?
4 Donald was nodding eagerly as she talked .
5 Wayne was driving now as they left the last of the houses behind , following the lake shore for a while until the wooded hillside of the Step rose up and screened it from their sight .
6 NIGEL CLOUGH is the player Liverpool are lining up as replacement for Dean Saunders , whom they have sold to Villa .
7 Teabreak : Jo 's fooling about as usual , pretending to be Princess Anne choosing a wedding dress from Silvex Modes .
8 ‘ And since Celia is stepping out as usual , could you fix us drinks , Stephen ?
9 Right next to him , Mr Doran was grinning maniacally as he handed out squishy tomatoes for the parishioners to throw at their young vicar , trapped in the ‘ stocks ’ .
10 Viola was beaming benevolently as she read on into the last column .
11 In likening natural science to religion , Winch is presenting both as ways of ordering experience by means of rules which tell us how to go on .
12 Of course all the time Katrina 's spinning round as well .
13 Saatchi stands down : Maurice Saatchi is stepping aside as chief executive of Saatchi & Saatchi , the advertising giant that he formed with his brother Charles .
14 Lisa was shouting now as she confronted , with a growing sense of frustration , the tall dark figure in the navy cashmere overcoat .
15 Snow was falling heavily as we entered La Galette , for a gastronomic dinner with Jacques , marketing director of Valmorel .
16 Ben was grinning now as he looked at Millie , saying , ‘ Perhaps they 're goin' to adopt you . ’
17 But South America itself is moving away from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , since the Atlantic Ocean is widening steadily as new oceanic crust is generated at the ridge .
18 WORLD Cup hero Mike Teague is roaring back as England search for a record-breaking third Grand Slam , writes Colin Price .
19 Jilly Jonathan was sitting just as she had been ever since they had come out on to the terrace .
20 Jonathan was snoring loudly as she detached his hand from her breast and slid from the bed .
21 Jimmy was smiling happily as he pulled his chair up alongside her desk .
22 In the kitchen Maude was singing softly as she baked bread , its sweet , fresh scent filling the house .
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