Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [vb pp] out to " in BNC.

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1 In the Ethiopian revolution no one for a long time knew the fate of Haile Fida , leader of the left-wing Meison group : I only had his death confirmed when the Ethiopian lift-operator in a DC hotel told me he had been in the same cell when Haile was taken out to be shot .
2 Dr Adams was made out to be an evil scientist who uses young innocent children for his own benefit .
3 Richard was parcelled out to his mother , just as their other sons , Henry , Geoffrey and John , were kept by their father .
4 The statue-reliquary of St Faith at the monastery of Conques was carried out to manors which the tenth- and eleventh-century monks claimed belonged to them .
5 I am determined that the highest and most stringent safety requirements should be adhered to , and the regulatory bodies must be satisfied that any work done at Dounreay is carried out to the highest standards .
6 As to feudalism , an inscription ( Syll.a 332 ) shows Philip 11 giving away a hereditary lease , and Greek city land at Amphipolis was doled out to Macedonians ( Arrian Indike xviii , cp .
7 It was then that the private ambulance arrived from the clinic on the outskirts of the city , and Ahn was stretchered out to the waiting vehicle .
8 Two engines from Weeley and Clacton were called out to the reported barn fire just before 8 pm , but they soon realised they would need reinforcements , including the rescue tender from Colchester .
9 The portico of St Paul 's in London was let out to shopkeepers , and the main body of the church became a cavalry stables .
10 In 1803 the chapel was very badly damaged by flood , and the image of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres was washed out to sea .
11 Halfway through the third telling , Pascoe was called out to the phone .
12 The following morning , accompanied at Aunt Emily 's command by a trembling Lyddy who was sure she was going to the very mouth of Hades , Alexandra was driven out to Trelorne , dressed very much as she had been when she trespassed along the shore .
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