Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That Noel Falconer be appointed a director of British Gas .
2 Retired coal miners and men from the general population in North Nottinghamshire were sent a dyspepsia questionnaire to fill in , and those with upper gastrointestinal symptoms were invited for gastroscopy and biopsy .
3 Donald Carr , chairman of the panel , said : ‘ Surrey were given a warning last year for repeated offences and that is why the matter was reported to the disciplinary committee . ’
4 Napoleon 's stolen a march on us .
5 Buxton is given a standing ovation
6 This routine had been established for more than a year , so it was no surprise when one Sunday evening in early November , he announced at the supper table , ‘ Me and Maisie 's set a date .
7 Meanwhile , three weeks ago , Heriot 's lost a friendly by 50 points at Poynder Park and before the start of Saturday 's game , they were still in the relegation zone .
8 Marie 's left a load of mags behind , so I pick one up and have a flick through it .
9 Youngster Stephen Swales is given a reprieve and will play at left back with skipper Paul Mudd again partnering Lee Hirst in the centre .
10 In addition James Stein was appointed a vice-president and John McDonald , Alex McTaggart and Dr. Crawford added to the membership .
11 In 1536 , when the court of augmentations was established to deal with the lands acquired by the Crown through the dissolution of the smaller monasteries , Stumpe was appointed a receiver for north Wales , with a generous travelling allowance besides his salary of £20 p.a .
12 Edgar was offered a grant for six months ; after that he was on his own .
13 Both French nationals , Mrs de Menil was born a Schlumberger , an Alsatian family whose fortune was made in oil drilling equipment , and which transferred is centre of operations to Texas in 1942 .
14 Roche was beaten a length on Desert Team , who had set sail for home through the testing ground but was collared by the John Oxxtrained Sinissipi .
15 Abel was granted a benefit in 1895 after fourteen years with the club and took the Surrey-Yorkshire game .
16 No we no she 'd got out the pool you see , she was I did n't recognize her , she said oh it looks like all the family 's here and I was only talking to Evelyn and , and I kept trying to place her and it was only when she said oh Rebecca was born a month after cos she 's died her hair a different colour , I did n't , just did n't recognize her at all .
17 We thought it was about time Shevardnadze was given a platform .
18 In recognition of his work with the Council and other bodies , David was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire ( CBE ) in 1991 , and this month he receives the honorary degree of Doctor of Education from Napier University .
19 The night before her operation Mrs Fellows was prescribed a sedative to help her relax and sleep because she admitted that she felt very nervous .
20 Literary agent Xandra Hardie was offered a meeting with Ayob in London a week after Frankfurt .
21 In the men 's final Annadale/Queen 's won a thriller against Star of the Sea 68–67 .
22 Mr Justice Roch was handed a petition from neighbours at Low Fell , Tyne and Wear , urging mercy for the ‘ highly respected ’ father of three .
23 After junior hospital appointments at the Manchester Royal Infirmary Giles was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1964 .
24 On 22 March 1665 Coxe was elected a fellow of the Royal Society , in which he played an active role for the rest of the 1660s and a slightly less active one in the 1670s .
25 Occasionally a mevleviyet was created by the combination of the kadilik with another post : Kutahya was made a mevleviyet in about 970/1562–3 by the joining of a muderrislik with the kadilik , while Kefe seems to have become a mevleviyet in 992/1584 by the joining of the offices of kadi and mufti .
26 Sometimes these were ad hominem arrangements-that in Kefe was dissolved after a year and that in Kutahya when the holder moved on to his next post , though Kutahya was recreated a mevleviyet in 989/1581 — but many of them had become permanent by the end of the century .
27 Nottinghamshire club player Bryn Derbyshire was given a three-month suspended sentence with £300 costs , and had to pay £400 compensation to umpire Joseph Purser after causing ‘ bodily harm by wanton furious driving ’ by reversing his car at the umpire after a match in which he had been given out lbw .
28 A tiff with his nephew was no disqualification in the eyes of Charles II , who disliked William and his religion ; Ken on his return to England was made a chaplain to the King , who would remark ruefully on Sundays , ‘ Now I must go and hear little Ken rebuke me for my sins . ’
29 In 1687 , when James II was trying to conciliate Dissenters in order to win toleration for Catholics , Bunyan was offered a place in a reconstructed Bedford Town Corporation , which he refused .
30 Nigel was given a sleeping pill and some cocoa before he went to bed .
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