Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [vb pp] here [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Baggley examined the disbelief in Theodora 's eye before she went on , ‘ I 'm not sure how much Mrs Thrigg is influenced here by the theme of the novelettes she devours .
2 Secondly , Falconer was murdered here at Maubisson after broaching a flagon of wine with Dacourt .
3 The Emperor Charles I of Austria and IV of Hungary was buried here on 5 April 1922 .
4 The Cannon Live-Fire is shown here with the Alderley surround available in solid mahogany or satin white hardwood .
5 The 1963 Hovertram is seen here on an Illuminations tour at Little Bispham loop , its northerly terminal .
6 Film buffs may like to know that Forman 's Amadeus was filmed here in the Nostic Palace .
7 Bristol was poised here on a cusp between two styles , and a few years later ( 1754–55 ) in the sadly lost Assembly Rooms on Prince Street , Thomas was able to press his Rococo leanings even further .
8 In 1867 , nearly twenty years after coming to the throne of Austria , Francis Joseph was crowned here by that same Count Andrássy who , in the aftermath of 1848 , he had sentenced to death .
9 Meanwhile , the British Red Cross has been contacted by many people across the region offering accommdation and help if more wounded from the former Yugoslavia are brought here in future .
10 Operation ‘ Winch ’ , ' 3 April 1941. the first Hurricane IIA aircraft to be delivered to Malta are seen here on the dock of H.M.S. Ark Royal' .
11 STRIPPED OF the spiritual baggage , philosophical hokum and rune mythology he usually insists on dragging around with him , Julian Cope is revealed here as a rock 'n' roll archivist par excellence .
12 Tennyson is portrayed here as one who , despite his reservations about its temper , did understand science , and did not see it as antithetical to the sphere of imagination .
13 A tiny chapel dedicated to Santa Maria do Calhau was built here in about 1430 and was enlarged in 1458 to serve the growing population .
14 The composer J. B. Foerster was born here in 1859 .
15 Baroness Castle is pictured here with conference first-timer Suzanne Watson of Heathcote .
16 No , the murder of Lord Woodleigh was conceived here on Capri , I am believing .
17 James Cook was born here in 1728 .
18 A definite PPR is required here as a stock fence has to be removed .
19 They came to Fort Augustus having ( like many others ) fallen in love with the stunning natural beauty of the highland scenery and atmosphere when Andrew was based here with the Royal Navy .
20 Bill Morrison was posted here during the war and amazed everyone by contacting the hotel in 1991 to return one of their beer glasses which he had had since waiting at the bar one night during the way only to have them run out of beer .
21 London is defined here as the City of London plus the area formerly administered by the Greater London Council .
22 Mr Claridge is seen here on the lower parachute … standing on his shoulders is parachutist John Boxall .
23 It 's been two months since Jim was seen here at his home alive on Boxing Day .
24 The latest version of DPCK is shown here as [ 01.01A ] .
25 Shipped to the UK some weeks before Woburn , ‘ AQJ was re-assembled here by Nigel Arnot from Camden , Sydney , and showed that she was still as agile as ever by taking part in the Tiger Moth aerobatic competition at Woburn .
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