Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [vb pp] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 DAN MCSWEENEY and Nicholas Pentreath are appointed Dry Cargo Shipbrokers with Anderson Hughes .
2 Their purpose was to provide unloading and warehousing facilities as close to the heart of London as possible , and Thomas Telford ( q.v. ) and Philip Hardwick were appointed chief engineer and architect respectively .
3 Net reserves in this area account for 27 per cent of LASMO 's reported commercial UK reserves .
4 At Calvary is found full cleansing for ever through faith alone in the finished work of Christ on the cross .
5 Millfield-educated Hewitt already has his heart set on working for Virgin tycoon Richard Branson 's planned privatised train service .
6 Wright is promised hard time
7 After discussion it was proposed by Mr Ken Lucas , seconded by Mr G. Cattle and carried that this be accepted and that Mr Roberts be made Vice President of the Society .
8 Our spies report that guests wearing Levi 's received free parasols for their jugs of cider .
9 Dostoevsky wrote for Stankevich 's published critical study of Granovsky — ‘ material absolutely indispensable for my work ’ , a life-and-death necessity ‘ like air ’ .
10 Maximilian said grimly that his special interest was humor , and Jo-Ann said that her topic in the thesis had been the theme of male chauvinism in Edward 's published legal opinions .
11 However , an excellent Keller volley and Simpkin 's missed passing shot lost those .
12 In the autumn of 1929 Humphrys was appointed high commissioner ( from 1932 first British ambassador ) to the British mandated state of Iraq , where he stayed for six years .
13 In 1927 Pillai was appointed assistant collector of customs in Madras and two years later became deputy director of commercial Intelligence in Calcutta .
14 Gorbachev was re-elected general secretary on July 10 by secret ballot .
15 In Cabinet changes which took effect on Feb. 25 Carmelo Lauria Lesseur was appointed Interior Minister , Arminda Quintana Justice Minister , Rafael Guevara acting Minister of Energy and Mines , and Celestino Armas Secretary of the Presidency .
16 At the launch , Fillpina Primary Health Care Worker Susan Cueva described how her baby , Chisan was given free Nestle baby milk in a Baguio City hospital against her wishes .
17 The tragedy of Oedipus Rex was given archetypal significance by Freud when he claimed it encapsulated the universal unconscious wish of young boys to dispense with their fathers in order to establish an exclusive claim upon their mothers .
18 Mrs Currie was appointed junior health minister just three years after entering the Commons for Bedford South in 1983 .
19 The parties in Kalmykia were offered interest-free loans on condition that they abandoned politics and went into business .
20 Bury were judged top branch after Linsey Carlin , Business Development Co-ordinator , organised a series of clinics which produced over 20 leads .
21 No single economic model can encompass all the West-Pacific NIC policies from Hong Kong 's free market approach to South Korea 's planned industrial strategy .
22 On Thursday night more than 30 paramilitary thugs and soldiers ransacked the opposition coalition headquarters , where Guillermo Endara , the winner of May 's annulled presidential election , was in the 16th day of a hunger strike .
23 DB2/6000 is accompanied by Distributed Database Connection Services , which provides support for IBM 's Distributed Relational Database Architecture , and the two enable the RS/6000 to participate in a distributed schema with DB2 on IBM mainframes , the OS/400 database , and DB/2 .
24 DB2/6000 is accompanied by Distributed Database Connection Services , which provides support for IBM 's Distributed Relational Database Architecture , and the two enable the RS/6000 to participate in a distributed schema with DB2 on IBM mainframes , the OS/400 database , and DB/2 .
25 The SQL Access Group ( SAG ) is shelving its design and development plans for the SQL Access specification , leaving IBM 's Distributed Relational Data Architecture ( DRDA ) , to monopolise the field of database enquiry .
26 Tomas Llorens is made artistic director of what is now to be a Museo nacional de arte contemporaneo .
27 The Fitzallan 's played leading parts in Scottish life over several generations : the third Steward , Alan 's son , was appointed Justiciary for Scotland by King Alexander II ; the fourth fought at the Battle of Largs and was a Crusader ; and the fifth was appointed a Guardian of Scotland during the troubled times before the rise of William Wallace .
28 Many people in the West fondly believe that if Russia is denied high technology its future political activities will somehow be constrained .
29 The same day , an Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying that the UAE 's supposed historical claims had been rejected by the international community following the Iran-Iraq war .
30 Magistrates adjourned the case until June 9 and Swalwell was granted conditional bail .
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