Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It requires extra software , and the IBM XT emulator for the Acorn Archimedes with the ARM microprocessor using RISC architecture ( based on the original RISC I design ) runs slower than the Intel 8088 , the slowest of the PC processors , under the MS-DOS operating system.Also as RISCs are designed with high-level languages in mind , designing in assembly is very tedious unlike assembly programming with CISCs where there are instructions for complex tasks and so programming is relatively simple and , as a result , less time-consuming .
2 Half of all children in care in the Netherlands are placed with foster families ( Kampen , 1988 ) , against only thirty-one per cent in Flanders ( Lammertyn and Antoons , 1990 ) .
3 While a large number of the items taken from Germany are held in special State-run storage facilities and are easy to work with , the majority of works removed from Russia were scattered over the world in the post-war period ’ .
4 the operating priorities of a CMHT are set by manifest , but more importantly latent lines of local service policy ; without clear specifications as to the roles of team members , members will drift towards their common ground ; where team members have no actual or perceived authority to coordinate services , they will create their own service niche to fill ; where teams have little direct control over service resources , their own role will be limited to using their own personnel as resources .
5 The 20,000 Yanomami in Brazil and Venezuela are threatened by imported diseases and pollution ; the operation is the second attempt since 1990 to clear miners from the area .
6 Additional components beside fractions TFIIIB and TFIIIC are needed for efficient pol III transcription
7 Richard Rogers and the bravura City of London headquarters he designed for Lloyds are presented as unmitigated villains .
8 Ribosomes are arranged in small groups called polysomes which appear as granules .
9 Forests along the Adriatic coast have been deliberately burned and many wetlands including Posavina are endangered by military operations .
10 Other areas of conifers are found in the High Weald and on the Lower Greensand , but the heavy soils of the Low Weald are dominated by deciduous woodland .
11 Or perhaps the Poet and Friend are separated by unbridgeable gaps of sex and social position , and can not ever form a unit .
12 The NICs are situated in Latin America , i.e. Brazil , Mexico , Argentina , and the West-Pacific Basin , e.g. South Korea , Singapore , Taiwan .
13 The Fs and Gs are directed at small businesses , branch offices and workgroups in large companies ; the Hs at mid-sized companies or large company departments and the Is at large company divisions .
14 At Galerie Berndt , thirteen works on paper and two objects by Meret Oppenheim are exhibited from early June until the end of July .
15 ‘ Chevenement , the minister for research and technology , and President Mitterrand are surrounded by good scientists . ’
16 All government and party buildings in the centre of Moscow and in the Kremlin are connected by underground passages with secret exits at three metro stations .
17 This approach is likely to be most appropriate where States are faced by similar problems , e.g. the impact of demographic changes upon social security systems .
18 Such new suburbs were most attractive to the lower middle class , although Port Sunlight and Bournville were built on similar principles for workers , as were the LCC 's first cottage estates .
19 Then , records of strandings in Britain and the United States were plotted against magnetic maps .
20 The emergence of brilliant teenagers like Nicky Barmby , Andy Turner , Stuart Nethercott and Andy Hill were introduced into first-team action and Venables predicted a bright future for the club .
21 Stars Jeff Goldblum , Laura Dern and Sam Neill were joined by ex-heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali , former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee , Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and several members of Congress .
22 The Holy Roman Emperor , the shah of Persia and the sultan in Constantinople were honoured with large sheets ( the fact that two of the three were non-European illustrates how large a role Asia still played in Russian foreign policy ) , while the kings of Sweden , Poland , England and Denmark had to be content with smaller ones .
23 It is interesting to note that farther to the west , in southern Oldenburg and at the Ems estuary , where Kupferschiefer is underlain by thin Rotliegendes and flat lying Upper Carboniferous , vitrinite reflectance is about the same in the Kupferschiefer and at the top Carboniferous , thus reflecting the predominance of recoalification .
24 Just before the climactic murder , Desdemona 's maid Emilia is shown in deep focus closing her mistress 's door , while in the foreground Othello 's dark shadow looms ominously on a white wall .
25 The most recent Powys figure of an average 1.93 LUs/hectare of permanent grassland is the equivalent of 12.9 sheep/hectare , a high overall stocking figure considering that nearly half of the total permanent grassland area in Powys is categorised as rough grazing .
26 DRP is expressed in fetal and regenerating muscle and may play a similar role to dystrophin in early development , although it remains to be determined whether DRP can functionally replace dystrophin in adult tissue .
27 Blues singer Greg Allman is put to good use as the big bad dealer at the centre of events , a weighty presence always just out of reach .
28 of water in the United States is owned by French companies , and 1 have not heard the Americans yelling .
29 Edward is anointed with holy oil : he has the power of healing , they say ; he loves his chaplains and worships daily , prostrate , where he can be seen .
30 The ‘ Zechstein Basin ’ contains thick halite sequences , the ‘ Fringe Zechstein' is characterised by interbedded carbonates and anhydrites and the London-Brabant Massif is formed of pre-Carboniferous sediments and meta-sediments lying directly beneath Cretaceous strata .
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