Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] he begin [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The pepper pot analogy kept coming back to Raymond Cusick as he began sketching his ideas down onto paper .
2 Mr P R Field of the Oldbury Steam Live Railway Museum ( Bridgnorth ) was our guest speaker on 2 February 1990 when he gave his views on Britain 's railways over the years , first explaining that it was in Scotland that he began to take an interest in them and then he become ‘ hooked ’ !
3 It was during the five years he spent in Orkney that he began to make a name for himself in the field of English-language studies ; he was also the writer of the ‘ Orcadian Boatman 's Song ’ .
4 It was in this period that Fleischmann and he began to discuss projects , but they did not start working on any until Pons joined the University of Utah , moving to Salt Lake City in 1983 .
5 Although Gordonstoun and Australia had an effect on his character , it was at Cambridge that he began to develop into the man he now is .
6 Keeping her eyes on Robert as he began to talk to Dawn , she waited to see a change of expression on Dawn 's face , then , suddenly , her view was blotted out by a tall figure handing her a glass of wine .
7 FitzAlan bent over Jack as he began to stir .
8 Satisfied that it was ‘ more than possible ’ for the Kavanaghs to survive , they moved to a house near Oxford and he began to study .
9 ‘ There 's little point him staying in Britain unless he begins to act on jobs , industry and the housing market . ’
10 ‘ Nice chap , ’ said Greg as he began clearing up their equipment .
11 ‘ Well , somethin' like that , except I 'm not sure my granpa would ‘ ave known what the word ‘ prevented ’ meant , ’ said Charlie as he began to unpack Tommy 's little box .
12 He fixed his eyes firmly on the Mach-counter as he began to throttle up .
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