Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] it [vb -s] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Moscow has increased the number of countries with which it has commercial dealings from four in 1960 to over twenty by the end of the 1970s , but the volume of trade has not exceeded $30 million with more than eight ( Argentina , Brazil , Uruguay , Peru , Bolivia , Mexico , Colombia and Nicaragua ) and it is only with Argentina , Brazil and Nicaragua that it has risen above the $100 million level .
2 Windata Inc announced on Friday that it has formed a subsidiary in Israel , which will develop software for management of local and wireless communication systems : the availability of many experts in telcommunications and wireless communication in Israel make the country an ideal place for such research and development according to Greg Hopkins , Windata 's chief executive ; Israel 's privileged relationship with the European Community will provide more flexibility to the subsidiary in the firm 's efforts to penetrate European markets .
3 Appalachian English is one of the surviving non-standard regional dialects of English in the United States and it 's associated with the residents of the Appalachian mountain range .
4 Well if they take as long to do it I mean good heavens there 's been one clanking manhole cover at Halam and it has taken them weeks to do it .
5 you know I mean people would think you got it from Marks and Sparks cos it 's got the label
6 and it were n't bad Friday but it 's come on again now
7 Right Kyle because it 's gone eight go to bed !
8 It is something of a revelation that this memory from over thirty years ago should have remained with Miss Kenton as it has done with me .
9 The site was gutted by a blaze in January and it 's believed animal rights protestors were involved .
10 We have started mini-rugby in Nairobi and it has proved very successful .
11 ‘ The Doctor just was n't at his best when St Jovite murdered him in Ireland and it 's taken him a while to get over that .
12 By section 38 , an authorised institution other than one whose principal place of business is outside the United Kingdom is obliged to make a report to the Bank of England when it has entered into a large transaction as defined by the section with consequent large exposure to risk .
13 Recent health scares over cling-film have had a knock-on effect on Tupperware and it has enjoyed a boom in sales .
14 Now you know Mr if it 's spelt you may say oh it 's it 's pretty close .
15 The co-ordinator of the scheme , Miranda McKearney , said : ‘ We have found that libraries are keen to use Well Worth Reading because it offers designed and printed promotional material conceived by fellow librarians .
16 Warner lost Terry Brooks but it has found someone who may well outsell him .
17 Protestantism has a deeper significance in Ulster than it has had in Britain for over two hundred years .
18 The judgment of the Exchequer Chamber was delivered by Blackburn J. and it has become a classical exposition of doctrine .
19 I think just about everyone knows the Neon Tetra and it has hit the top of the polls regularly as people 's most favourite fish .
20 I have spent most of the last year in what was once Yugoslavia , much of it in the beautiful and doomed Republic of Bosnia Hercegovina and it has left me scarcely able to think , far less write about anything else .
21 Unix System Laboratories , which has never officially been part of X/Open though it 's had a lot of informal dealings with it , is also expected to take advantage of the new technical membership and sign up .
22 And , and Chairman , that we 've had support , we 've had a great deal of help from party in Europe and it 's kept us informed
23 Up at Pusey and it 's had a rear end smash .
24 It not only represents the profession towards the Institutions of the EC where it has made significant contributions , but is also the focal point for the discussion of matters of common interest to the profession throughout Europe .
25 The employee top 10 features those companies which are expanding fastest , and it says something for the performance of WPP that it has managed to perform well in eps and return on capital terms at the same time as it has achieved that expansion .
26 His mother , Mrs Noelyne Parry , said yesterday : ‘ The show flopped in London but it has become something of a cult in America and was a rave success on Broadway .
27 ‘ The Khmer Rouge wants to protect Cambodia , but no one has harmed Cambodia as it has done , ’ says an aid worker .
28 It will be one of the few practices that will be able to turn round and tell the FPC that it has got it wrong , claims its senior partner .
29 AT&T Co reports from its base in Morristown , New Jersey that it has agreed to supply long distance carrier Teleway Japan Corp with intelligent network software and equipment , in a deal worth over $20m .
30 It is being sold as a war in the U.S. and it has reached an emotional level to equal that of contests of a more combative nature like boxing or American football .
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