Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [v-ing] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , there is nothing here to show necessarily a diminution in Offa 's enthusiasm for an archbishopric of Lichfield or lessening regard for Hygeberht .
2 Mandarin Hotel 's profits declined by 17 per cent for the year to 31 December whilst trading profit for Boddington 's hotel and restaurant division increased by 7.3 per cent to £2.6 million in 1991 from £2.4 million in 1990 .
3 A third man , Anthony Martin Morgan , 28 , of Bewick Crescent , Newton Aycliffe , was jointly charged with Bartley of burglary at Stokesley retained fire station , handling stolen goods , attempting to steal a car in Aycliffe and having tools for use in thefts .
4 After all , she had been given a brain to think with while these patriots were being force-fed The Thoughts of Spiro Agnew , The World According to William F. Buckley and Killing Commies for God and Country .
5 The DHAC had softened up the Unionists by publicising the housing situation in Derry and causing embarrassment for the Stormont government , but it was the Nationalists , as elected representatives , who were able to press home the advantage and force the concessions .
6 It 's a formidable task in a Western European market wracked by a crisis brought on by overcapacity , the dumping of products from Eastern Europe and falling demand for fertilizers in general .
7 Since then the serious pushing has taken place in Colombia where the cocaine cartels have literally ruined football by using Medellin and FC Cali as laundering centres for drug money .
8 We were soon free of Calais and heading south for Paris .
9 All of you couch potatoes who were inspired by the Olympics to take more exercise in future , what about having a bash at the New York Marathon and raising funds for charity as well ?
10 Mindful of recent events in Wales and following publicity for the scheme in your pages , I contacted the Tactical Booking Cell four days before a planned photographic detail in Northumberland , to be conducted with a friend .
11 While he ran thorough hands and eyes over his shattered body , Kathleen started cleaning up the chest area ready for the heart monitor after checking the IV line that was running in Haemacel and taking blood for cross-matching , dodging round the radiographer who had brought the portable in and was taking X-rays .
12 The Lower Palaeozoic Unst complex has been investigated by the BGS and mining companies for copper-nickel ( MEG 136 ) , chromite ( MRP 35 ) and precious metals ( MRP 73 ) .
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