Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [vb base] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Four groups of five nude mice were grafted with MKN45G xenograft tissue and treated with either PBS or histamine at a single concentration of 1 mgkg - 1 day - 1 , locally at the tumour site .
2 I wish to run up to the window of the Mercedes and shout at the general sitting there : Wake up , you fat bastard , ca n't you see how you look parading in this cemetery , like some overstuffed SS officer in Birkenau ?
3 Erm but I mean on the other hand if you start trying to develop your criteria , and I 'd go out and look at Botton Village and look at the Richmond Fellowship or something ,
4 Take the first turning left for Bouzy and look at the formation of vines on your right as you approach the village .
5 ’ ‘ Mon and look at the nice show in the League of Nations place , or thae big battleships and bombers painted on the walls over there .
6 If you look at sexually reproducing organisms , and you do n't move about too much — erm I mean you just sit in Sussex and look at the birds — then by and large you do n't have any doubt at all to what species any particular belongs .
7 It will return in mid-August and reopen at the beginning of September .
8 Jimmy pulled away again and joined Gilbert and Frye at the windows .
9 The complaints of radical Kadets that Miliukov and his colleagues were going too far towards compromise with the regime were matched by the regret of right-wing Kadets such as Maklakov and Struve at the party 's failure to grasp the offers made by Witte and Stolypin of representation in the cabinet .
10 Apart from the SADF 's electioneering , South Africa and its puppets have at their disposal most of the media in Namibia , vast resources to mount their election campaign and a standing army in the form of SWATF and Koevoet at the ready if things do n't go their way — which is to stop SWAPO gaining two-thirds of the vote for the Constituent Assembly .
11 The answers have still to be provided , but six months on Mota and her coach/boyfriend Joś Pedrosa sit happily in their holiday home just outside Oporto and chuckle at the thought that her racing career is in crisis .
12 Alternatively , visit the shop and café-filled Europa Centre , go to the lovely Tiergarten or hoot at the chimps in one of Europe 's most famous zoos .
13 Sometimes , as I sit alone in my flat in London and stare at the window , I think how dismal it is , how hard , how heavy , to watch the rain and not know why it falls .
14 Corbett spoke about his early life , his wars in Wales and work at the Chancery .
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