Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ it ’ which he speaks of suppressing is the Oxford Group Movement formed by Frank Buchman and later known as Moral Rearmament .
2 One explanation of how random entoptic discharges and after-images are constructed into fully developed perceptions — the Perceptual Release Theory — was first proposed by the neurologist John Hughlings Jackson and later developed as a general theory to account for hallucinations and dreams .
3 George Eliot too is not without sympathy for the picturesque , and admits that ‘ the stray hovel , its old , old thatch full of mossy hills and valleys with wondrous modulations of light and shadow ’ , is an element of joy in landscape to her midland-bred soul ; yet her attack on the picturesque view of the decaying farm , owned by Mr Brooke and ironically known as ‘ Freeman 's End ’ , shows her to be substantially in sympathy with Dorothea .
4 Inspired by events in Eastern Europe and popularly known as the " stir " , the MRD sought the ending of the panchayat ( council ) system and the reintroduction of multiparty politics ( banned since 1960 ) .
5 Abdelkader Moghni , the imam of the al-Sunna mosque in Bab al-Oued in Algiers and recently elected as a deputy , was arrested on Feb. 7 and replaced by a government-appointed imam .
6 There followed allegations that Ms Kennedy became addicted to heroin while visiting New Zealand and then worked as a prostitute in Australia , where her father David Keen lives , to feed her drug habit .
7 Congress , the section held its inaugural , National Conference in April and unanimously adopted as priorities for the section , four main areas of work .
8 Quoom and Kerman , the vast majority are now made in India and usually marketed as Indo Mirs .
9 One of the earliest patent applications for a stunt kite was that filed in December 1928 for H.De Haven in the USA and eventually sold as the ‘ Air-o-bian ’ fighting kite , with claims for ‘ loops dives and climbs .
10 Rosa sempervirens and R. centifolia muscosa were despatched in 1735 , R. pimpinellifolia and R. palustria ( from America and also known as the Marsh or Swamp Rose ) in 1739 .
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