Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 London Scottish sevens coach and former scrum-half Andy Cushing has been helping PORTUGAL in training and , without any doubt , in spite of a temperamental outburst from Pedro Neiva that earned him an early shower and a one-match suspension , it showed .
2 As last year , they will bring the skip on a Tuesday and remove it a week later .
3 I told him all about Marie and showed him the pictures we took in that photo booth .
4 Knowing of Fothergill 's interest in natural history generally , Collinson invited him to breakfast at Mill Hill and showed him a diversity of William 's drawings .
5 My father paid for my digs in Paddington and gave me a pound a week pocket money , together with what he called ‘ travelling expenses ’ for my regular visit home ( home and a good , square meal ) , and to spend some time with Clare who was fifteen and slowly , very slowly , improving .
6 I decided that she had never really liked Richard and wrote her an angry letter attacking a Labour politician I knew she particularly admired , saying he did not care for Socialist principles and was no more than a cunning man who would do anything for power .
7 Rudyard Kipling ( who once was forced to travel on a migrant train in the United States and found it a ‘ nightmare ’ ) encountered a peculiarly American hazard for the famous traveller .
8 Buddie had been very angry , but everyone else had laughed at Frankie and called him a snivelling cissy .
9 Zak came up to me with Donna and offered me a lift back to the city in their bus , and at that exact moment I saw not Bill Baudelaire himself but someone who might go among the owners , where Tommy could n't .
10 If we 'd upset his applecart in busting out the hostages , then the radical fundamentalists might easily have taken over in Syria and given us a much worse problem .
11 I went to see Suor Eusebia and gave her a message to deliver to Eric when the attention of the carabinieri was else where .
12 We do not envisage using the TA to respond immediately to outrages in Northern Ireland or to make it the first wave of our assault for the repossession of Kuwait .
13 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
14 elected on the second of May and wish them an enjoyable and fruitful term of office .
15 She did , however , slip next door to May and gave her a rough sketch of what had happened , right up to the Syrup of Figs .
16 It was not until about a year later , when I became the High Master of Warboys , that I took him into Warboys and made him a sort of Staff pilot flying Oxford aircraft on special navigational training exercises ; this was something that I could physically check and I do not know why it is , and I am not being clever now , I just accepted the evidence he gave me of this phoney flying .
17 Still , I could go into Burnley and give it a try . ’
18 A couple of hours earlier , on a hunch , Hermann Goering rang down to his main office in Carinhall and gave them a Stockholm number to obtain .
19 Bruce took me to Millwall and offered me a contract , but I did n't fancy living in London .
20 In the end he slippered Pickerage and called it a day .
21 From then until his death in 1099 at the age of fifty-six , El Cid fought a series of dazzling campaigns against the Moors , taking the fortified city of Valencia and making it an impregnable fortress against his enemies When news of his death reached the rest of Spain , men and women wept openly in the streets , tearing their clothing and lacerating their cheeks in an extravagant display of mourning .
22 A middle-aged man picked me up on the M4 near Swindon and offered me a lift to London , which was very convenient .
23 He kneels to PAMELA and offers her a bouquet of flowers . ]
24 No I 'll keep it for when I have my money and I 'll go down to Cardiff and spend it the bloody lot .
25 ‘ We are determined to uphold the law at Wellington and to keep it a drug-free zone , ’ said Mr Bone .
26 Well , having actually been to Nashville and found it a singularly ugly and inhumane property developer 's hell , I never really thought the city was downhome .
27 He just kept on giving everything to Lennie and giving him the love he needed .
28 ‘ I met Drew in Panama and liked him a lot .
29 Bernice took the repeater from Rosheen and tossed her the laser pistol in exchange .
30 He kissed Amelia and gave her a Christmas card .
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