Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] [prep] they " in BNC.

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1 I 'll have that bastard Kyle that runs wi' them .
2 I take out the photos of me and Marie and look at them .
3 ‘ At the first sign of the housing collapse , we brought in Coopers & Lybrand and worked with them for about a year .
4 The recently formed Council of Labour should summon a rank-and-file conference of all the radical political movements in Ireland and call on them to discuss the creation of an all-Ireland socialist party .
5 I believe that Stalin was paranoid about other people in the Soviet Union rising up and overthrowing him , so by bumping off Kirov and blaming on them , he effectively gave himself a licence to go out and kill all other them as revenge .
6 This is especially so with writers like Barthes and Genet , and Wilde and Gide before them , who , far from subordinating their outlawed sexuality to their radical politics or radical aesthetics , actively inform them with it .
7 He turned to Martin and Mihal and said to them , " Go back to the forest , my children , live rightly , and never let the sacred fire go out .
8 Will he ask his right hon. Friends the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for the Environment to bring that home to the support services and the district decision-takers in South Yorkshire and to urge on them the prior claim of South Yorkshire police at this time ?
9 It was the Guga Hunters who had chartered Viking to land the men and supplies ' on Sula Sgeir and return for them at a specified date .
10 One of the ducks , who had taken shelter nearby , heard Uncle Alfred and swam towards them .
11 to take care of Tim or to say to them that the
12 He had , he said , advised the Shah to erect a hundred scaffold in Teheran and to hang on them a hundred people , starting with his former prime minister .
13 What was unusual in this case was that even in his great excitement he still carried the photographs of Koko and pointed to them repeatedly as he looked toward the teacher , who nodded and said ‘ Yes ’ to Sherman .
14 My senior staff have already addressed a meeting of Citizens Advice representatives in Edinburgh and explained to them the Council Tax legislation .
15 I have made many friends through the C.B. and speak to them regularly and I have then met some of them .
16 But they might see the engine is made by Ford and go after them .
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