Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Renew contacts with old friends Saturday or drop in on a parent or much loved relative .
2 If cases were to be properly judged in Aquitaine , kept out of the Paris Parlement or adjudicated successfully by ad hoc commissions in either Gascony or ( if a petition to the king in parliament had been made ) in England , then knowledge of tenurial conditions , rights , duties and privileges was essential .
3 In the first place the number of States that work diligently on their accident investigation responsibilities is regrettably rather small , and although their delegates may approach a divisional meeting with the same view of the agenda items their ideas can be , and all too frequently are , frustrated by States which make little or no contribution in this field of activity .
4 Radio RIN ( Radio Infantil Nacional — National Children 's Radio ) is the only radio station in Mexico that caters exclusively for the country 's 41 million children .
5 He had no objection to telling him when Adam and Anne were returning : next Tuesday on the Iberian Airlines flight from Tenerife that got in at 1.30 p.m .
6 Outliers that arise simply from the skewness of the distribution can be removed , and previously hidden outliers may be forced into view .
7 From the far side of the Carpathians , and the valley of the Rhine , and a drop or two from Constantinople that came westward along the Danube behind the invading Turks .
8 The town lies on a direct line from Stonehenge that passes straight through Ox ford , and this seems to confirm that Stamford was the Taurean astrological figure in this system .
9 Eastwards towards the sunrise , the ice-hung peaks of Mustagh Ata and Kongur over in Sinkiang hunched on the skyline .
10 The Fosse Way from the Humber to Ilchester and includes apart from Lincoln , Brough , East Stoke , Margidunum , Chesterton , Dorn and Bath .
11 We now retrace our steps to Ponta do Sol and back up onto the road and continue along to Canhas .
12 However , the Vauxhall Sport result , where he was only beaten by the official team Subarus of Richard Burns and Alister McRae and finished ahead of the new Ford Escort Cosworths of Gwyndaf Evans , has provided sufficient encouragement for him to tackle the next round of the Open series , the Pirelli International on April 17/18 .
13 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the landlord binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once rejected by Lord Mansfield and exploded long before 1807 according to Lawrence J. in Doe d .
14 For here we find the head of the common law courts , echoing the spirit of Coke , Hale , and Mansfield and working largely within Dicey 's framework , expressing anxiety about the challenge to the supremacy of the ‘ ordinary law ’ posed by statutory developments .
15 In Congress-ruled Gujarat , on the west coast , the state Health Minister , Mr Vallabhbhai was attacked at a meeting on Tuesday and died yesterday in hospital .
16 I waved to Didier and walked on between the pollarded limes .
17 Hughie 's hopes were raised last year when it was suggested that a replica of one of Captain Cook 's ships , either Endeavour or Resolution , should be built in Indonesia and brought back to Whitby as a permanent reminder of the feats of the town 's most famous son of the sea .
18 The retinue accompanied Corbett and Ranulf out of Leith and on to the now darkening track to Winburgh.They exchanged insults with Ranulf and then turned back .
19 He nodded at Corbett and walked out of the hall .
20 Once they were gone , he turned to Corbett and stared fixedly with his terrible , haunting eyes .
21 Selkirk released his grip on Corbett and fell back in his chair .
22 It drifted close to one of the massive posts and he went to tie up , returning to the puzzled Meredith and looking down on her thoughtfully .
23 ‘ Cenzo ! ’ scolded Katarina sharply , interrupting Meredith and looking askance at her vividly blazing eyes .
24 At midday we reached Garrigues and piled out of the trucks to set up all our equipment in the farm building ; it was better appointed than the one at Canjuers , and there was running water , lavatories , sinks and beds .
25 When blindness compelled him to give up farming in 1966 he learned Braille and carried on with his public duties , being much in demand as a witty public speaker .
26 They walked down under the archway of trees to the Littles ' cottage , stood outside the gate chatting to Zach and carried on down the lane .
27 The machine was n't fit for this purpose so he had to good case to go back to Dixons and ask either for a replacement or his money back .
28 Mitchell is amongst those who argue against Firestone and hold out for the continuing relevance of Freud 's work .
29 She bent and kissed Dionne and slammed out of the flat .
30 She starts off in chicken stuffer 's uniform as seen in Letter To Brezhnev and ends up in designer punk bondage dress and boxing boots .
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