Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [noun] and they " in BNC.

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1 But they took people in Angola and Zambia and they murdered and they raped them .
2 There was believed to have been an incestuous relationship between Alfonso and Urraca and they were probably responsible for Sancho 's death .
3 There were other acts by then like Morecambe and Wise and they were doing to us what we 'd done to others in our time .
4 My second Oscar was entirely due to Morecambe and Wise and they sent me a telegram to prove it : ‘ Stick with us and we 'll get you a third ’ , I think it was .
5 The Pascoes and Fosters on the box fired the imaginations of the Coes and Crams and they in their turn the Jacksons and Backleys .
6 A Labour Government will be able , therefore , to play some part in the meetings in Portugal between January and June and they will take the chair at the meetings in the United Kingdom from 1 July onwards .
7 We 're all making sacrifices , me and Uncle Knacker and the parents and Mr Foggerty and Hoomey and them .
8 What she ought to do is , I know what I 'd do is leave Anthony and Maria and they can put them down and go and see
9 No , no it was very much a green field area , and I think if they 'd have wanted to get bomb anywhere they 'd have been directed at Castle Bromwich , which were very much they were building Lancasters and Sterlings and they were very much the heart of the British bomber industry .
10 ‘ I 'm lucky , really , because I 'm with Denis and Astrid and they 're real friends — good friends and their comfort is so welcome — but I 'm in a foreign country so I 'm alone , and what I most want to do is talk about Dad to people — which is why I 'm writing this .
11 They were no more than the truth , but now his mother would ring Victoria and Emma and they would ring him and it would be one question after another until he went completely mad and started calling for humming-bird sandwiches or something .
12 Some of them and they made them Leslie and Eric and James , Jimmy and Andrew and Jim and Georgie and Jim and them , they worked in the Wintertime you see and made the barrels .
13 They 'd done it for Adam and Christopher and they 'd do it for him .
14 We 've got stores in the Arctic Circle , we 've got shops literally in the desert in the Middle East and we 've got them in Hong Kong and Singapore and they 're all the same — and they all work .
15 With a wry smile he thought to himself that all it needed was a few thousand square miles of northern forest such as might be found in Norway or Canada and they would look completely right .
16 ‘ I have talked to Quinn and Kristensen and they accept the situation . ’
17 This is considered eccentric both by Mrs Honeychurch and Freddy and they ridicule Cecil 's values .
18 He said the thieves were mostly from Yorkshire and Tyne and Wear and they travelled north each February to raid golden eagle nests .
19 I have seen both Peter and Joan and they were crying and she was sobbing ‘ My girls , my girls will never come back ’ . ’
20 And Peter and Sandy and they went back and forth all the Winter with that boat .
21 It 's wonderful to be back but it 's also very sad because a lot of people are still in Iraq and Kuwait and they need to be got out .
22 Asked about the SNP leadership , he declared : ‘ I do n't say that Salmond and Sillars and Ewing and them have all the answers , no .
23 ‘ If I get lonely , ’ she told me ‘ I ring up Fazila and Salima and they come and help me with my sewing . ’
24 Kodak rely on ICI as single source supplier of PTA and MEG and they do not carry out any incoming acceptance testing .
25 I 've seen the transport systems in Barcelona and Paris and they are so much better than ours it 's embarrassing . ’
26 Then they continue , they hand you the tape , you ask them a few questions , like what the band 's called , how long you 've been working together , and bla bla bla , and then erm , I think I I 'm actually doing it with Kent and James and they 're not thick .
27 They come from Finland , America and Germany and they fight over mergers and acquisitions and venture capital .
28 Cos I was in the middle of Emma and Lisa and they were chatting .
29 Biddy had produced crash-helmets for Hoomey and Nails and they were all keeping their fingers crossed that Jazz 's turban would be allowed as a substitute , as for motor-cyclists ; they had also acquired jodhpurs and boots second-hand ( one pair from Mrs Smith herself ) and a roughly matched set of yellow jerseys .
30 The only ones here that did a wider fitting that one , er at the time I bought some , well those with the gold on the back was Stead and Simpson and they did a wider fitting , but I do n't know anybody else , but they may now
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