Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [pron] [be] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 But one look at the lacklustre picture presented by the normally spirited Harriet convinced Meredith that she was not even aware the protesters were there , let alone that she had approached so close .
2 The appellant , in evidence during the trial , had insisted that he had made it clear to Mr. Burt that he was not a fully qualified accountant , although he had passed some examinations .
3 It soon became apparent to Edward that they were not en route for Westminster .
4 Nevertheless , Seton and his lieutenants , watching from the parapet of the main North Gate , decided that a warning salvo would do no harm , and show Edward that they were not all like the Earl of Dunbar .
5 But Joe 's best-manning at a wedding on Saturday so he 's not available .
6 Christopher Trickie and his Wife … told Mogg that the French people had taken the plan of their House , and that They had also taken the plan of all the places round that part of the Country , that a Brook runs in the front of Trickie 's House and the French people inquired of Trickie wether the Brook was Navigable to the Sea , and upon being informed by Trickie that It was not , they were afterwards seen examining the Brook quite down to the Sea .
7 ‘ I would n't be at Arsenal if it was n't for him .
8 P. S. If you 're not Jewish tear this up . ’
9 I 'm not Jezebel And I 'm not
10 Curtis was at that time Assistant Colonial Secretary of the Transvaal and he was not motivated in what he did by any particular animus towards Indians .
11 We do n't want to accrue er interest even if it 's being expenses by B-Sky-B if it 's not going to actually be paid for many years , but to the extent that it 's er likely to turn into cash in the relatively near future , then I think we would erm think it 's now time to start addressing that issue and the result would be that we should probably erm accrue some reasonable and not very substantial amount of back-interest er in the current financial year .
12 He said ‘ No , sorry ’ , to which we replied that we could n't continue to play or back David if we were n't going to get any money .
13 The other argument is , of course , would anyone ever have heard of David if it was n't for Tony ?
14 judgement was in favour of Aston Villa and it was not until fifty years later that a fresh legal challenge over contract terms was made , by George Eastham against Newcastle United .
15 She did n't mean — I think — that Richard and I were not kind to her , only that she did not ‘ come first ’ with either of us , and she was a woman who needed to be made much of and fussed over .
16 I agree with the hon. Gentleman about the potential causes of instability , but that was not the subject of our discussion last Friday and it was not discussed other than in the margins of the meeting .
17 Now Daniel , Scott and I 'm not getting .
18 ‘ Mr Christensen and I are n't — ’
19 I hope David and I are not ill .
20 It seemed that Ellen and I were not the only ones to take such a precaution , for late that night Jackson Chatterton lumbered on deck with a bottle in one huge hand .
21 tonight and then I 'm on me raffle next week , but after next , I mean I can stop in the next , I mean I was , I 've never been out since a week on Tuesday cos I was n't on the raffle Friday
22 Pearce gets it away to Oldfield well he 's scored some really spectacular goals in his career David Oldfield and he was n't far off with that shot .
23 Wigan coach John Monie added : ‘ We are obviously going to miss Gene and Andy and we are not as strong as we were .
24 ‘ Everyone knows there were a lot of girls before Shakira and I 'm not about to go back over all that .
25 Hawaii was of the United States but it was not in it .
26 This man may have fought at Flodden but he is not King James .
27 Friday but they 're not making a promise , but they said that last week
28 Well he come up last Friday but you were n't in .
29 I 'm sorry about being in a mood Saturday but I was n't really in a mood with you .
30 I 'm sorry about being in a mood on Saturday but I was n't really in a mood with you .
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