Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [art] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I daresay their neighbours changed it to , like Gazza 's neighbours have changed his name from Gasgcoine to Gazza or the newspapers have done it .
2 To Rachel that all now seemed as if it had been in another time , another world and it had only been in the last few days with the reappearance of David Markham that the memories had been revived .
3 The Afghanistan that the Russians left in February has little prospect of becoming a golden land .
4 And it was Justine that the police had arrested .
5 Not even when she had Andrew Jean and the others cut out a couple of the pioneers and pizza them across the two-lane blacktop .
6 ‘ Piano , Aaron , piano ! ’ she called , and her middle stepson , with his mobile thin white clown 's face , emerged from the crowd and seated himself at the instrument , as Liz called to Deirdre and the butlers to fill glasses and then join the guests for a toast : Jonathan turned on the radio , the eagle-crowned clock over the marble mantelshelf struck , some joined hands and some did not , Aaron struck up Auld Lang Syne , Big Ben struck , some sang and some did not , voices rose straggling , pure and impure , strong and weak , tuneful and tuneless , there were cries and embraces .
7 Richard and the Crusaders adopted this method of battle , countering the Saracens ' horsemanship and displaying great military skill against the Turkish cavalry of Saladin .
8 Swirls of clouds billowed down from the Towers and the glaciers hung vertically , suspended like gigantic icicles , while flocks of birds scattered and spun before them , helpless in the wild turbulence .
9 No Richard because the whole thing can fall through when we have our survey done it might show a defect or something , we might pull out , when they have their survey done it might show a defect so they might pull out , you do n't do anything Richard until the contracts have been exchanged , then you can start saying right I think that 's , that 's , every thing 's definite
10 No , I 've been and spoken to them again this morning and yesterday , R S C left it there not O S D although it 's O S D's van , so they should 've come out to move it on Friday and the mechanics did n't turn up , then they lost the keys , cos yesterday myself and who was it , Lyn , waited up for the keys cos they were gon na move down put it into a safer spot .
11 ‘ Prue was out of the office on the Friday and the numbers kept creeping up , ’ Shelley adds .
12 Many stories were swapped about the band , especially the fact that Dyke and the lads enjoyed a drink .
13 In putting forward his nomination as a Director of the Company , Mr Falconer and the requisitioners have expressed the view that ‘ the balance of the Board would be improved by the addition of a small-shareholder ’ .
14 A closed-doors meeting of the America supporters urged Koch to stop playing around with his crews and let Buddy Melges and the pros get on with the job of beating Conner .
15 This unexpected development was greeted by observers as Gorbachev 's biggest tactical success for many months , and they noted Yeltsin 's new willingness to co-operate with Gorbachev and the concessions made by both men .
16 Scott and the men got out and looked around .
17 DeVore , Lever and the others sat in big leather chairs , drinks in hand , talking .
18 The spin of Cant and introduction of Grainger saw off the danger posed by Roxwell 's Beard and Mizen and the runs dried up , giving OC 's a 74-run win .
19 Even Mrs Fairfax and the servants do n't know the whole truth about her .
20 Mrs Flaherty and the nans did not mix in the same circles .
21 Colts County Champions Lancashire celebrated their share in a unique treble when the Lancashire RFU held a dinner at Old Trafford to celebrate their senior team winning the Senior County Championship , their U21s sharing the U21 title with Surrey and the colts retaining the national colts title .
22 From the outset their lack of an independent popular base forced Azaña and the Left-Republicans to lean for both electoral and parliamentary support upon the Socialist Party , which through the UGT was able during 1930–1 to mobilize on the Republic 's behalf a large proportion of the Spanish working class .
23 By then , the British were in Mandalay and the Americans had landed in Luzon .
24 The Tsars , the Habsburgs and the Ottomans sought to rationalize and industrialize their ramshackle empires in order to protect themselves against the expansionism of the modern West European State .
25 In the Fifties and Sixties Kelly spent time with Adrian Maeght and the artists associated with the publisher .
26 Begin eventually agreed to a plan for evacuating the PLO but the bombs continued to fall .
27 Wright because the directors had held themselves out as agents of some of the shareholders and thus were capable of being considered as fiduciaries to those shareholders .
28 In the northern part of the Hannover province , i.e. in the northeastern part of the coalification map , reflectance measurements could only be performed on samples of Kupferschiefer because no boreholes reached the Westphalian .
29 Boro are without Alan Kernaghan and Tommy Wright while the Dons miss John Fashanu ( back ) .
30 Group B is tight with Crusaders and Distillery level on four points each at the top ; Crues are away to Coleraine while the Whites visit Omagh knowing defeat will let in the Tyrone men .
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