Example sentences of "[noun prp] [pron] had [been] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They were filming at Bloomwater , a stately home in Berkshire which had been built by Sir Henry Manceville , an eccentric nobleman , in 1780 .
2 Almost 69 per cent of the electorate of the Republic of Belau ( formerly Palau — see p. 30756 ) took part on Feb. 6 in a seventh referendum on the issue of the country 's compact of free association with the United States which had been negotiated in 1982 .
3 Republican candidate Thomas Ewing on July 2 secure election to the House of Representatives seat for Illinois which had been left vacant by the appointment , confirmed in March , of Edward Madigan as Secretary for Agriculture .
4 In his last visit to North Korea , Ceauşescu had been able to see the thirty-storey concrete pyramid in the centre of Pyongyang which had been built under the inspiration of the Dear Leader , Kim Jong Il ( albeit from an original idea by George Orwell ) .
5 The plan is in the form of a Greek cross with arms of equal length and it is based upon the design of the famous Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople which had been begun by Constantine and rebuilt by Justinian but which was destroyed in 1463 .
6 The Mercedes which had been promised to take them to All Saints ' Church , Deganwy , for the wedding on Saturday was sold .
7 Mr Goddard , a former mayor of Phoenix who had been expected to win the November race easily , first lowered the tone by comparing Mr Symington to Charles Keating , the financier at the heart of the Lincoln Savings and Loan disaster .
8 It may well be that he took the place of Thomas Hitchcock who had been apprenticed to the same master nine years previously .
9 The meeting , originally scheduled for Feb. 11-13 [ see p. 37945 ] , was jointly announced by Bush and Gorbachev on July 17 when they met in London during a brief visit by Gorbachev who had been invited to meet assembled heads of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) countries [ see pp. 38321-22 ] .
10 Castile itself had been named after the fortresses built along the border between Christian and Moslem Spain , and essentially those who held these castles held the greatest degree of control over the lands on either side .
11 The Times of India reported the case of a striptease artiste in the coastal resort of Goa who had been sued by the management of the five-star Hotel Kalimpong , when she refused to undress during her performance at the hotel restaurant one evening .
12 The former is the voice of sound , sensible England , the latter is Spenser who had been granted land in county Cork in 1588 .
13 Among changes to the Council of State Secretaries [ see p. 38994 for previous government changes ] Mohammed Lamin Kamara became Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs , replacing Ahmed Ramadan — Dumbuya who had been dismissed on Oct. 30 , .
14 On Saturday he had been given some time off to visit his critically ill sister , 17-year-old Lillian , as she lay in hospital .
15 The Swiss Federal Tribunal ( supreme court ) issued a ruling on Dec. 27 , 1990 , which opened the way for the Philippines government to recover assets embezzled by ex-President Ferdinand Marcos which had been secreted in Swiss bank accounts .
16 The theatre was built on the site of the old church of Santa Maria della Scala which had been founded in 1381 by Beatrice della Scala , wife of Bernabo Visconti .
17 The new government has also moved to scrap school textbooks developed under the Sandinistas and has imported textbooks from Costa Rica which had been produced with USAID assistance .
18 The king married Philippa to Edmund Mortimer Earl of March in 1368 , and thus the earl came to possess not only the Mortimer family lands in the Welsh March which had been restored to his father in 1354 , but also the Clare lordship of Usk , the Clare lands in Dorset , Somerset and East Anglia , and the de Burgh earldom of Ulster .
19 And Haydn himself had been influenced by C P E Bach .
20 The catalyst was the Crichel Down Enquiry in 1954 by the Minister of Agriculture into the sale and subsequent choosing of a tenant for Crichel Down in Dorset which had been purchased during the war as a bombing range ( Griffith , 1955 ) .
21 The regulations were intended to prevent the sort of scenes witnessed in Shanghai which had been broadcast across the world .
22 The announcement halted the judicial inquiry under Sir John May which had been set up in March to investigate all the convictions connected with the pub bombings .
23 Chadwick himself had been forced out of office four years earlier by a powerful lobby of anti-centralizers , private drainage and water authorities and those with a personal antipathy to the ‘ wizard of Whitehall ’ .
24 It prowled across the lower slopes of the Pennine Hills which had been formed a few million years earlier and along the coast of the seas which covered what now are the lowlands on either side of the Pennines ( Diagram 4 ) .
25 For the first time the survey , which covered 1,160,000 sq km ( i.e. two-thirds of the entire forest area in Europe ) included data on forest damage in the western part of the Soviet Union ( i.e. Byelorussia , the Kaliningrad region and Ukraine ) in addition to Estonia and Lithuania which had been included in earlier years .
26 On Aug. 30 Canada resumed shipments of wheat to Russia which had been interrupted from Aug. 18 because of payment arrears .
27 ‘ These people had been fighting against their own country , against Marshal Tito who had been recognised as an ally by the British Government , ’ Lord Aldington said .
28 At the instance of the King , Parliament passed an Act decreeing that all ministers in Scotland who had been ordained since 1649 must have their appointments confirmed by the bishop of their diocese .
29 Senator Juan Ponce Enrile , the leading conservative opponent of Aquino who had been arrested on Feb. 27 on identical charges to those against Aguinaldo on Feb. 27 [ see p. 37250 ] , was released on bail on March 6 .
30 Bob Martinez , a former Governor of Florida who had been defeated in the gubernatorial elections [ see above ] , was on Nov. 30 nominated by Bush as Bennett 's successor .
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