Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [vb past] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In Nick Darke 's Kissing the Pope , however , the Sandinistas are given unequivocal white-hat status : a visit to Nicaragua apparently convinced him and his director Roger Michell that that unhappy land was ‘ one of the world 's few areas of moral black and white ’ .
2 Ken suddenly left him and went into a doorway of Hamleys , the big toy shop .
3 Dr Mirabilis just ignored him and held up his hands , calming the clamour and good natured cat calls .
4 Ken once told him that he greatly envied his ‘ Carry On ’ mate Charles Hawtrey .
5 By Friday evening Toby Freely congratulated himself that the boarding block was beginning to return to normal .
6 Despite some unnecessary barracking from supporters , Mr Singh certainly enjoyed himself and got behind the team .
7 They played together co-operatively with a set of cars but once Tom decided that one of the cars was his favourite Sue quietly took it when he was n't looking .
8 He walked away without responding to that and Ruth just hated it when he left her snappy bitchiness hanging in the air with no place to go .
9 HARRY DEAN STANTON once told me that during the filming of 1984 's Paris , Texas , he wandered alone into the desert after a tiff with the director , Wim Wenders .
10 Anthony once told me that he thinks ‘ bodily fidelity is wholly irrelevant ’ , ’ she quoted bitterly .
11 Suspecting that the compass was playing up again , Wood altered course by 5° but after another 20 minutes Darwin still informed them that they were north of course .
12 She had thought it would be a pity not to have him around any longer : Rachel and Maggie both liked him and she had not told either of them about his wife .
13 It is true that policy-makers in Washington often saw themselves as using financial inducements to compel the British to act as they desired .
14 Cynics might doubt his commitment to social security , as he introduced himself as the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry ( his previous job ) , but in his usual good-humoured style , Frank Field simply thanked him and said they would recommend him to Downing Street for a new job because of his social security knowledge .
15 His son Kieran then succeeded him and retained his seat there until 1989 when he did not seek re-election .
16 The Earl of Shrewsbury once told me that when he walked in the park , Wolsey would suffer no one to come within bowshot of him .
17 Alain carefully ignored her until it was time to go and she watched his car sweep from the house with very mixed feelings .
18 In 1972 , Cooper legally adopted him as his son , as much to disinherit his own family as to ensure that under French law , most of his estate would go to his ‘ son ’ .
19 I do n't think Martin even liked him although he never said so .
20 Helen never intended her As It Was to be an accurate account of their young lives , and there are no letters because they met often .
21 Richards , who admitted United had been in touch with Francis , revealed : ‘ Alex Ferguson also telephoned me and suggested talks at chairman level might be useful .
22 Murray later asked him if he wanted drugs , but he refused .
23 Walpole later described him as ‘ an able geometrician and an exquisite architect , and of the purest taste both in the Grecian and Gothic styles … my oracle in taste , the standard to whom I submitted my trifles , the genius that presided over poor Strawberry ’ ; and from c .1753 onwards he designed much of the exterior , as well as a number of the interiors .
24 Well Ka Kathy 's actually , Kathy really surprised me cos I , she was , did n't appear shallow at all last night .
25 Randhawa and Khan then approached her and Randhawa threatened to blow her and her family up .
26 Lindsey almost flinched herself as she made a gentle examination of the blistered area .
27 But Jim really hurt her because erm when she was going out with him he was a virgin and then erm they came back , you notice things were a bit sort of sort of on the rocks when they came back at first ?
28 Since registration forms are usually despatched in the autumn , and in any event well before this last election was announced , Ms Heseltine obviously knew something that the rest of us did n't .
29 But Mr. Munby so treated them because , in his submission , section 8 conferred complete autonomy on such minors , thus enabling them effectively to refuse medical treatment irrespective of how parental responsibilities might be sought to be exercised .
30 Irene suddenly saw her and started to nudge everyone .
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