Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [verb] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 When Marevna finally went home at dawn : ‘ Max Jacob stood with a missal in his hand and Modigliani was still on his feet methodically tearing the rest of the wallpaper off the walls and singing an Italian song . ’
2 Her hatred towards the Provos who blew up her son in Northern Ireland constantly eats away at her .
3 The three eldest girls , Agnes , Sarah , and Nancy only worked infrequently at pressing , as if perhaps to get some cash for a new dress , or a pair of shoes , but possibly to assist the family in times of particular money shortage .
4 A tall woman with the chic , efficient look that spells Milan held up her notebook , and Di Leonardo immediately nodded encouragingly at her .
5 We may note that Lieberich also spoke again at the RI , this time on the real and the ideal in portraiture , in March 1875 ; by then he had both an MD and MRCS after his name .
6 The BEA also looked carefully at the possibility of importing plant and materials , but ( with steel prices significantly higher in the USA and Europe and considerable difficulties in obtaining foreign exchange ) they confined themselves to importing only a few specialist components which were causing serious delays in the programme .
7 Mr Mazowiecki also said pointedly at the time that he was not prepared to replace one philosophically biased government ( a communist one ) with another philosophically biased government ( an avowedly Catholic one ) .
8 Mary almost laughed aloud at Hope 's tolerant gravity .
9 Eisenhower subsequently did so at a meeting with the Shah in Washington .
10 Brett suddenly glanced across at him .
11 The baby 's due in August , but the DJ with the most popular radio show in Britain already looks quite at home in his role of first time father-to-be .
12 McIllvanney asked sourly , while Bellybutton just grinned maliciously at me .
13 For Weaver just fired blindly at Doyle , and though his shot went wild , Doyle was taking no chances .
14 Though Connolly also headed straight at the goalkeeper in the 88th minute — that was probably the time McLean slipped off his sandbag — an even better opportunity for United to secure a share of the spoils was squandered by substitute Christian Dailly , who failed to even get his shot on target after getting in behind the Hearts defence .
15 For his part , Hitler always felt most at home in the company of his closest group of ‘ fellow fighters ’ from the ‘ time of struggle ’ .
16 Howard almost laughs aloud at the young man 's distaste for the prospect .
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