Example sentences of "[noun prp] [pron] have never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The train was going eastwards , bound for a place called Hainault she had never heard of
2 Alan himself had never known his mother .
3 From a woman in England she had never heard of . ’
4 Although a compulsory element of the curriculum in Scotland it has never held such a high priority at national level .
5 In all her years with Dan she had never had this abandoned feeling .
6 In Jamaica I had never seen a white person ; to us youngsters they were an unknown quantity .
7 Relaxed laws make Vegas the home of quickie weddings , although Jackson himself has never had a girlfriend .
8 It was a side of Graham she had never seen before .
9 I can tell you Elsie I have never seen a fish like it .
10 Adam himself had never shown any interest in Wyvis Hall , as far as he had noticed .
11 Ludens himself had never felt more alert , more finely tuned .
12 We are Muslim brothers , you and I. We have never talked of these things , Wilson .
13 Mrs Whitehouse herself has never sought to deny the intellectual and theological debt she owes to the Oxford Group and the MRA , but has been quick to silence those critics who have suggested the existence of more formal links between the NVALA and MRA .
14 My God I 've never seen someone put so much power into a header !
15 Oh God I 've never smelt , I did n't wan na say anything but like I 've smelt anything so nasty in my life except for Patrick 's knob .
16 ‘ I just wish to God I 'd never met you ! ’
17 ‘ I wish to God I 'd never met you , ’ she whispered hoarsely .
18 It 's not just for England ; it 's for people in Norway who 've never heard us before , so we 've just put our eleven best songs on the album .
19 Which they wish to God they 'd never got into .
20 ‘ Well , you 're the only white man in Koraloona I 've never seen before !
21 She was blonde , like his Mandy , except unlike Mandy she had never had a chance in life .
22 Yes , well just a postscript just to show to my earlier comments , I , I think this undertaking about street lighting will be met with some clarity over wide areas of Suffolk which have never seen a street light , er as far as I can recall the last figures I saw on this suggested that if we were to er carry out all the work that er parish is required it would take forty years to er meet the er thing , so perhaps it would be advisable for , for when this promise is acting on the
23 ‘ Conditions were a disgrace in the second half , ’ said McLean who has never hidden his hatred of a strong wind .
24 For one thing , the score was by Rodgers and Hammerstein who had never seen a pantomime in their lives — such things were totally unknown on the other side of the Atlantic — and wrote music and lyrics for the show which fitted very well indeed in their repertoire that began with Oklahoma ! and went on , via such epics as South Pacific and The King And I , all the way to The Sound of Music .
25 ‘ Counties have sponsorship deals now for pre-season trips , although at Essex we have never believed in pre-season tours because April is the only time you can get your first and second XI captains together . ’
26 By the time Maggie had to go back to London they had never felt closer in warmth , even happiness .
27 Walter I have never condoned the idea of assassinating the Führer . ’
28 That was a plot against Rachel she had never thought of , to take up maths again but to do it in the USA .
29 It seems very strange to meet people who have passed through the C.B.T.C. who have never seen me before , or marched behind me from Spean Bridge railway station to start their training .
30 To head her media team the princess selected easy-going Australian Geoff Crawford who had never worked for her before but whose loyalty was assured by members of her household .
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