Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [was/were] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But then my mum said , in a timorous voice , ‘ Do you mean Nelly Woodhouse that was with the Guardian Building Society ? ’
2 July 17 was towards the end of the summer term when the evenings seemed to last for ever .
3 His arguments for such a conclusion are , first , the narrow one that the appellant 's complaint of 15 July 1989 was about the police officers ' fabricating the interview notes — whereas the inquiry was principally into the possibility of their having , following his complaint , removed them from Warwick Crown Court .
4 He made an immediate impression and by 4 December 1640 was on the first committee .
5 And it was his concern for Silvia that was at the root of his anger .
6 Five hours later Mr Humble was at the end of his tether .
7 King Hassan II was at the airport to welcome the Shah and Queen when their boeing touched down at Marrakesh on 22 January 1979 .
8 A stone found in the enclosure round Kintour farmhouse in September 1881 was in the Kildalton Castle collection .
9 Three of the Birmingham Six were in the public gallery to hear the judgement .
10 The Cabinet paper circulated on 26 September 1946 was in the Prime Minister 's name but was imbued with the Cabinet Secretary 's philosophy .
11 Jones had been doing research funded by the US Department of Energy ( DOE ) since May 1986 , had hints of neutrons and by September 1988 was in the process of starting to use a neutron detector sensitive enough to measure their energies and determine whether indeed they came from fusion .
12 Despite there being no fractions in their arithmetic and observational difficulties due to frequent early morning mists and much cloud in the rainy season , they ultimately attained an accuracy in the determination of the synodic period of Venus that was of the order of one day in five thousand years , that is roughly one part in two million .
13 Invented in 1589 , when Elizabeth I was on the throne of England , the ‘ stocking frame ’ came into use when the demand for stockings was from both sexes , and it signalled the birth of a great industry , although recognition of its revolutionary potential was slow in coming , and William Lee died penniless in Paris .
14 As can be seen , MCC was already at risk on the basis of its March 2989 accounts after its £2bn of US acquisitions and by March 1990 was in the weakest 5 per cent of UK companies ( PAS-score = 5 ) , in fact with a risk rating of 4 .
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