Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] that [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The following morning , Sara Freeman , the model the Ashleys had provided , appeared ready for the shots , but Bernard announced that Laura would not be coming down .
2 George and Marie agreed that George should take most of the responsibility for the Brasserie , which they felt needed his talent for hospitality to build up a clientele , as well as his ability to train staff and foster good employee relations .
3 P.A. Stafford thinks that Cnut may have reinforced this by encouraging the cults of other murdered princes , such as Wigstan , a ninth-century Mercian , whom he had translated from Repton to Evesham .
4 In this case the ECJ ruled that Germany could not ban the importing of Cassis de Dijon ( a French alcoholic beverage ) , on the grounds that it did not conform to German rules and regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages .
5 It is worth looking closely at Milton Keynes to see that planning need not , any more , mean trying to design every dot and comma of people 's lives .
6 ‘ Would the fact that he was put in as priest at Oldfield mean that Marr would have to have been known to Lord Dersingham ? ’
7 Keynes argued that individuals would have some expectation or conception of the ‘ normal ’ rate of interest , although each individual 's conception of what was normal might differ .
8 Llewellyn-Smith proposed that insurance should be compulsory for all grades of workers in three trades ; shipbuilding , engineering and building and construction .
9 ‘ So far comments from Com Tech and MUA suggest that SCO will still be sold by both companies , but neither tried to shy away from the fact that their decisions will hurt SCO .
10 On June 25 Shamir sent a message to Gorbachev affirming that Israel would not settle Soviet immigrants in the occupied territories ; the Soviet Union responded that it would be seeking further assurances from Israel .
11 The architectural parallels between Canterbury and Chichester suggest that William may have been the master architect at Chichester during the rebuilding of 1187–99 .
12 Beyond this , Dawes says that MicroMuse will be writing and selling more of its own applications in future .
13 At a news conference on Dec. 8 , Vellayati and Dumas reaffirmed their governments'commitment to recent UN resolutions on the Gulf crisis , although Vellayati added that Iran would not participate in any war against Iraq or another country in the region .
14 Rebecca believed that Lissa could bring about her downfall , and she was almost bound to try to do something about it .
15 In the Bible God has two names , er Yarway Anno Domini and er Freud says that Domini could be a corruption of
16 Soon after his appointment as Prime Minister on Dec. 2 [ see p. 37031 ] , Singh stated that Punjab would be a major priority of his new National Front coalition administration .
17 Experience in the United States shows that suppliers can evade or manipulate regulations through collusion between managers and clinicians and purchasers are usually in a weaker position to verify the claims suppliers make ( Light 1990 ) Effective enforcement is difficult and costly .
18 Mugabe stated that Tekere could rejoin ZANU-PF , from which he had been expelled in October 1988 [ see p. 36415 ] , provided that he " retrace his steps " .
19 On Aug. 9 Cuomo stated that Bush could be defeated by an aggressive campaign which focused on domestic issues , but suggested that he was not interested in seeking the nomination , although he did not entirely rule out the possibility .
20 In an interview with the Financial Times of Aug. 28 Singh confirmed that India would seek a further three-year loan from the IMF under its extended fund facility ( EFF ) .
21 That was also the time when the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook claimed that Labour would win by a landslide in the 1987 election .
22 Coleraine showed that things can be achieved if you 're prepared to battle and that 's what I want to see us doing tomorrow . ’
23 But though the intention will be to curb the power of union leaders wielding hundreds of thousands of block votes , Mr Whitty emphasised that Labour would remain a trade union-based party .
24 Noting that Buthelezi 's own organization 's membership was falling , and his anxiety about the growing popularity of the ANC , Maj. Botha warned that Buthelezi could " seriously consider throwing in his lot with the ANC with far-reaching implications for Natal and the RSA [ Republic of South Africa ] " .
25 On the sixth day of rehearsal , Burge decided that Dustin would never ‘ find ’ the role , and asked him to make way for another actor .
26 With the launch of the airline , however , Branson decided that things would have to change .
27 Paddington decided that Browns must have a very rich friend indeed if he could afford so many presents .
28 It all looked very disorganised but Corbett knew that Couville could select any document he wanted in an instant .
29 Freud thought that communism could not be established over the world as a whole without a great deal of bloodshed , and that even then , although the human potential for brutality and killing may be less , it would not disappear entirely .
30 Perhaps surprisingly , wide area Asynchronous Transfer network services are seen as the final phase , since SynOptics feels that carriers will be slower off the mark to respond to demand ( despite the fact that AT&T Co said that it will introduce Asynchronous Transfer Mode services towards the end of the year ) .
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