Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] the [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 An agreement was reached that month under which Sihanouk became the SNC 's neutral chair or president .
2 In September 1953 Curran became the BBC 's first internally selected administrative trainee , visiting or working for a time in different departments of the BBC in and out of London and assisting in the preparation of the BBC 's first personnel manual .
3 On Nov. 17 , Lissouba announced the assembly 's dissolution , a move described by the URD chairman , Bernard Kolelas , as illegal .
4 When Pravda became the Bolsheviks ' legal mouthpiece in St Petersburg in 1912 , he suffered the frustration of having many of the articles he submitted for publication rejected by the editors in Russia ; communication between the Central Committee and local party organs was much too tenuous to admit of close supervision ; and , as we shall see , during the war and the revolution itself , Lenin 's word was by no means accepted as holy writ .
5 However , sustained demonstrations ( in the course of which two people were killed on Sept. 20-21 in indiscriminate police and army fire ) forced the Vatican to cancel the Pope 's involvement in the actual inauguration .
6 In 1971 Jack Webb became the Bondholders ' Secretary , followed by Harold Chambers in 1975 up to 1981 , from which date to their winding up Basil Peacock held the reins .
7 Now WFP insists the consumer 's views must be given more weight .
8 Joinville reported the king 's reply to his counsellors who opposed the treaty with England of 1259 : ‘ it seems to me that what I give him [ Henry III ] I am employing well , because he was not my man , and now he enters into my homage ’ .
9 On Nov. 12 , URD-PCT supporters had erected barricades in central Brazzaville , blocking the capital 's two main avenues , as the two parties called on Lissouba to accept the government 's resignation and to appoint a new prime minister from the parliamentary majority ( the URD-PCT alliance ) .
10 JERVIS say the Lord 's Prayer together .
11 Rosheen caught the Doctor 's arm .
12 Morse caught the man 's arm , and held him back as he was walking down the steps .
13 Senior Army personnel pressed Bhutto to suspend the state 's civil judicial system and to establish military courts to ensure an unbiased anti-terrorist operation ( the implication being that the state government was being unduly harsh on Muhajirs ) .
14 Ray Kipling voiced the Institution 's appreciation of the train 's name , saying : ‘ The RNLI is delighted that an InterCity 125 is to be named Storm Force after its junior club .
15 Ahead of its database announcement in the US tomorrow , IBM France SA on Friday announced the company 's first relational database effort for its RS/6000 Unix , DB2/6000 version 1 .
16 OUT ON A LIMB : Johnny massages the Duchess 's leg .
17 How would a DG affect the Institute 's present leadership structure ?
18 Ahead of its database announcement in the US last week , IBM France SA announced the company 's first relational database effort for its RS/6000 Unix , DB2/6000 version 1 .
19 He heard Thorfinn answer the Pope 's questions in Rome .
20 Unfortunately , Morley contradicted the government 's message — a form of Nancy Reagan-like intellectual reductionism : just say no .
21 Richard found the cleaner 's mop and bucket and was amateurishly wiping the floor when Murray returned with a dressing gown and some towels .
22 Speaking at the Chamber 's annual dinner , he said recent actions in Brussels applying the Community 's competition policy threatened complete chaos to the international liner trade .
23 Under it , the capital , expertise and technology of the USA and Canada would be combined with the cheap labour and resources of Mexico to establish the world 's most populous free-trade market with 360,000,000 consumers and a combined gross domestic product ( GDP ) of US$6,450,000 million .
24 Dawes blames the club 's decline in the 1980s on changing social patterns .
25 It was at that point that Edward recalled the constable 's other words and how they had troubled him even then — seeming to carry a sinister note , a warning .
26 Joyce 's epitaph on Edward Vlll recalled the King 's visit to the South Wales valleys in November 1936 , his dismay at the poverty and despair of mass unemployment , and his often-quoted words at the Bessemer Steel Works in Dowlais .
27 A portrait of Elena Ceauşescu graced the Polytechnic 's building in Central London until it disappeared during the Christmas vacation at the end of 1989 .
28 We have received a letter from PPL exempting the Society 's teachers from the need to pay any licence fees in view of our piano accompaniment , educational nature and work with the disabled .
29 Addressing a closed session of the meeting , Arafat said that the PLO rejected the USA 's conditions for a resumption , and Voice of Palestine said in a commentary on July 18 that the USA 's setting of conditions for the resumption of contacts was " a blatant act of belligerence which can not be condoned " .
30 Mr Gubb dropped the boy 's hand and looked up at Harkness .
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