Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] they a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Macnab showed them a postcard , sent to him by Joyce from Berlin a few days before .
2 United got off to a flyer with Richard Hill giving them a lead after just eight minutes .
3 Rex gave them a shake .
4 The group recorded three demo tapes and Gedge made two abortive trips to London to try to persuade John Peel to give them a session .
5 Hereford battled on … they were down but not out … and gave everything they 'd got … skipper Derek Hall struck them a goal midway through the second half …
6 Jupiter sent them a log .
7 They can see that the UN gives them a position at the bargaining table .
8 Dalton Grant gave them a headache by beating Liverpudlian favourite Steve Smith in the high jump , 2.25m to a dismal 2.05m .
9 Instead Mr Stroud gave them a form to submit to the diocesan chancellor .
10 And Jesus asked them a question , he says to them , why are you so timid ?
11 There are the scribes and the Pharisees , and they began grumble saying , this man receives sinners and eats with them , and Jesus told them a parable .
12 Although Sheila finds them a handful and is known to shout at them , she has always sought appropriate help .
13 Schofield found them a rehearsal room at Middleton Cricket Club where his father was on the committee .
14 Franco gave them a look which might have been faintly disapproving .
15 HOW Hearts must be praying that Airdrie do them a favour and finish in the bottom two of the Premier Division this season .
16 But Dr Jekell gave them a taste of their own medicine and Joey Beauchamp 's trip and Jimmy Magilton 's score rescued a point for Oxford .
17 Mrs Lennox found them a pail and a large enamel container .
18 what the ninth years did this year was Rob gave them a pep talk and and there 's a booklet , Choices , he gives out and asks them
19 It always gave Anne goosebumps , especially when the unidentified male voice answered the girls ' plea for Mr Sandman to bring them a dream with a drawn-out , ever-so-slightly creepy ‘ ye-e-es ? ’
20 Town looked beaten … they were staring defeat in the face again but they 're fighting spirit saved them … in the last do or die attack of the match skipper Sean Taylor won them a draw
21 Delgado poured them a whisky like he 'd rather be doing something else .
22 Cranston tossed them a penny , and turned to watch as a woman condemned as a scold was led by a beadle up to the stocks in Tower Street , a steel brank fastened tightly around her head .
23 A fly on the dressing room wall suggests Alex Miller was furious with his players ' performance but the trip to Glasgow gives them a chance to atone .
24 John Blockley and Moira Huntly work together in Gloucestershire , Faith Glasgow pays them a visit .
25 She listened while Silas gave them a talk on safety measures , reminding them that if anyone fell out he must lie on his back .
26 And it was joy too for the Ballymena triple of Billy McCandless , Jack Robinson and Roy McCune who had a 19-15 victory over the CYM trio skipped by Alf Keegan to earn them a crack at the strong Portrush triple of Barry Moffett , Jeremy Henry and Ian McClure who had an easy 19-9 win over Alex Beggs , Gary Clarke and Mark Shannon from Clarendon .
27 The men were anxious to arrange Mixed Foursomes ‘ to re-awaken interest ’ ( in what is not specified ) , and letters were sent to all previous Lady Members offering them a handicap of L.G.U. plus 6 , or a straight 36 .
28 While United threw away a hatful of chances Luton had two shots on target in the first half and hit the jackpot with one of them as Kerry Hughes got them a goal .
29 Ballymena eventually got the equaliser 11 minutes from the end after referee Tommy Deegan awarded them a penalty when Speak was impeded by McGurnaghan .
30 They all had an input , and Tracy kept them a lot .
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