Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] put [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The EEC has put together a directive to monitor organic production in Europe and to provide a definition of quality produce .
2 Trees R.Us K. Doyle has put forward the following proposal , ‘ planters would be positioned , bollards erected and seats installed .
3 Trees R.Us K. Doyle has put forward the following proposal , ‘ Planters would be positioned , bollards erected and seats installed .
4 Now , exclusively for TODAY , Angus has put together a quiz of the year .
5 Abel has put together a demonstration system called Guernica , which is a multimedia approach to learning about the famed Picasso painting that depicts the Nazi destruction of a peaceful Basque village by air attack during the Spanish Civil War .
6 French President François Mitterrand had put forward the idea of a European confederation in a speech on Dec. 31 , 1989 , shortly after the fall of eastern Europe 's communist regimes ; he reiterated his ideas in Prague in September 1990 [ see p. 37724 ] .
7 Alan Sked put forward a plan for European union , endorsed by the Group 's council , that eschewed bureaucratic federalism .
8 Denyer decided to put together a mix of landscapes and portraits , images that gave him particular visual pleasure .
9 Chester had put together a deal for the centre which would have cost the Government nothing because it was tied in with private sector development .
10 Lest we forget Elektra 's 40th birthday , LENNY KAYE has put together a CD — which sees the label 's current roster ( Pixies , Mondays , etc ) the interpret the work of their predecessors .
11 Lest we forget Elektra 's 40th birthday , LENNY KAYE has put together a CD — which sees the label 's current roster ( Pixies , Mondays , etc ) the interpret the work of their predecessors .
12 Editor , — R J Jarrett has put forward the epidemiologist 's view of gestational diabetes , pointing out the lack of a clear definition , the lack of consensus on treatment , and evidence suggesting that maternal glycaemia is not important in determining fetal size .
13 LOST MEMORY man Tom Berenger attempts to put together the details of his pre-car crash life and stumbles into a daunting mess of deceit , adultery and murder .
14 It is on this theme that the Tate Gallery Liverpool has put together a long-term display .
15 It is on this theme that the Tate Gallery Liverpool has put together a long-term display .
16 Michel Charasse has put forward an amendment which would allow cigarette advertising at the Grand Prix .
17 An inconclusive result could lead to several days of uncertainty , with either Mr Major or Mr Kinnock seeking to put together a government .
18 By the time the Palestine Central Council ( PCC — the PLO 's advisory body ) met in Baghdad on Oct. 15-16 , 1989 , President Mubarak of Egypt had put forward a 10-point peace plan , which was followed by a five-point initiative by US Secretary of State James Baker .
19 Funds have been allocated to facilitate workplace reform and the unions in Western Australia have put forward a job redesign package as part of their current wage discussions .
20 Coun Peter Jones has put forward a special motion to the next full council meeting on March 26 .
21 In the lace 1970s , Congressman Jack Kemp and Senator William Roth had put forward the idea of an across-the-board income tax cut of 10 per cent in each of three successive years , a proposal taken up enthusiastically by supply-side advocates like Stockman and warmly embraced by Ronald Reagan .
22 Angela Hildyard and David Olson have put forward a ‘ strong ’ version of the ‘ autonomous ’ model in a recent article .
23 So far OPEC has put aside the even more complex task of making market adjustments to accommodate a return of output from Iraq , thought to have twice the production capacity of Kuwait , which is still banned from international oil sales under a United Nations embargo .
24 Michael Foot had put together a series of policies to keep his party together .
25 Iran and India sought to put forward a six-point peace plan , based on Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait followed by the pull-out of Western forces from the region .
26 In particular Kent has put together a very interesting programme of a festival of food and drink which is taking place at Penthurst Place near Tonbridge Wells , the last weekend in June and again here at the Barbican next year after this particular annual public meeting , music aid , who you mentioned earlier , are putting on a concert er for Save The Children Fund and they hope to raise twenty thousand pounds on that night .
27 A common agricultural policy had been on the agenda of Europe ever since Sicco Mansholt had put forward an early version to the Council of Europe in 1950 , though its roots lay further back in time in a series of discussions sponsored by the European Movement .
28 With this in mind , home improvements editor David Holloway has put together a special section on how you can increase the comfort and value of your home .
29 Dave has put together a real glass act
30 With her friends , Jacqui McLennan and Freddie Robins , Ingrid had put together a collection of felted designs .
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