Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [been] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Given the amount of time that Karsten Schubert has been in business and given the new wave of gallery/dealers , this year is going to be the year to break with a much more open policy towards new art , are being seen as central to the contemporary art scene .
2 Of the 35 goals England have scored in the 26 matches Taylor has been in charge , just three have come from outside the penalty area .
3 Pakistan has been in upheaval since May 26th , when the Supreme Court overturned President Ishaq 's dismissal of the government and gave Mr Sharif his job back .
4 ‘ Sturch has been in butchery about as long as Allsop has been in medicine , insofar , it occurred to Harry 's mind , as there was any real difference between the trades .
5 From an early age Haflor Ferdinandson has been in love with 4WD vehicles .
6 The PDC had been in opposition since leaving Endara 's government in April 1991 ; Arias had remained in the constitutional post of First Vice-President without attending Cabinet meetings .
7 The government were not reassured to learn that Branson had been in consultation with Robert Beckman , the New York lawyer who was fighting the anti-trust action on Laker 's behalf .
8 Miloš knew that Karadjordje had been in contact with the representatives of the Greek nationalist organisation Philike Hetairia ( Society of Friends ) , which was planning a general rising of all the sultan 's Christian subjects .
9 In the old days , he and his brother Josh had been in charge of the Punishment Squad .
10 Paul Gascoigne 's career and his hugely expensive transfer to Lazio had been in doubt ever since his disastrous knee injury in last year 's FA Cup Final , but the night club fracas which brought about a further fracture made a successful recovery look still less likely .
11 Service and high technology industries and new small businesses are concentrated in the South , whereas the traditional industrial base of the North has been in manufacturing .
12 Can I just say about Alan , apparently Alan has been in hospital .
13 We learn that Sister Chiang has been in prison for 3 weeks , but has not revealed a word about the guerrillas , in spite of torture .
14 Ireland had been in rebellion for eight years .
15 Shelter 's research has found up to half of all homeless young people in Scotland had been in care , but only 34 per cent of district councils categorise them as vulnerable .
16 Dexter , 57 , was the first chairman to be paid when he took over in March 1989 after Peter May had been in charge for seven years .
17 In a national address on television on March 4 , Aylwin rejected the claims of Pinochet and his supporters that Chile had been in state of civil war and that human rights violations were an inevitable cost .
18 ‘ I do n't suppose I 'd have done so well if Maggie had been in charge ’ he was a Minister in the Wilson government .
19 He used the occasion to inform the public that his decision to withdraw from the campaign in July had been in response to a Republican dirty tricks campaign which had included a plan to smear his daughter through manufactured photographs and to disrupt her forthcoming wedding .
20 Meanwhile , strike partner While there has been no doubting the high regard Beardsley is held in around Everton , many had begun to question Mo Johnston , whose future at Goodison had been in doubt after two months in the cold , looks to have earned a temporary reprieve following his equaliser against Liverpool .
21 England have been in trouble twice this season , upset by Canada 's pack at Wembley and shunted alarmingly by South Africa during the first half .
22 Lisburn have been in existence for more than 150 years and is Ulster 's oldest surviving cricket club .
23 Auntie Linda was saying that Auntie Jane 's been in hospital again .
24 Brook has been in operation in Britain for 27 years , and the evidence suggests that Brook has contributed to the decline of sexual health there .
25 Mrs Slewy has been in trouble for taking the cancer-box from the counter in Mock 's .
26 GL has been in contact with K Walter , and Group hopes that dialogue will continue .
27 Chancellor Kohl has been in contact with President Gorbachev since the refugee exodus began in August .
28 Twenty one year old Wayne O'Hora , also from Ecton Brook had been in custody since the killing , but Northampton magistrates granted him conditional bail until next month .
29 The Beacon had been in existence for many years and in the past had catered for up to thirty children with a wide range of disabilities and needs .
30 The great Chertsey Road had been in construction for some while as it involved the building of three new bridges over the River Thames at Chiswick , Richmond and Twickenham , but it was completed in 1933 , and the entire achievement was formally opened by Edward , Prince of Wales , who drove along the route , cutting ribbons at each of the three bridges .
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