Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [been] [adj] by " in BNC.

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1 Lately , Georgina had been worried by the general deterioration in his appearance .
2 If Gould had been disappointed by Sydney , he was amazed by Adelaide .
3 Punch published two harsh cartoons and , when at the end of February 1858 the government was defeated , The Times , with possibly a touch of exaggeration , declared that Clanricarde had been able by his ‘ mere presence ’ in the cabinet to destroy an exceptionally strong administration .
4 Katie Jane 's been stricken by the acting but too , floating in as a jilted bride in wig and mask before revealing her new crop and slinging on the trademark tousled Ophelia barnet .
5 Faber has been delighted by the response from booksellers to its £100,000 ‘ How to become a millionaire ’ spring promotion .
6 If Alain had been intrigued by her colouring since he had first seen her then why had n't Marguerite said so ?
7 During the practice , Prost had been impressed by both the McLaren and the Williams and his worst fears were confirmed as Senna pulled inexorably away and the multi-coloured Williams of Nigel Mansell began to move about in Prost 's mirrors .
8 She put her head on one side , trying to make him understand from the look in her eyes that Stephen had been upset by the references to his mother 's death .
9 Danny Bascombe had done a got job for them , and Stephen had been impressed by his ability , she remembered .
10 Duncan had been surprised by the policeman 's astuteness in deciding to investigate the Catherine Palace .
11 Martin 's family who live near Stroud have been shocked by the news of the arrests :
12 Tilly Mulliver had been shocked by the revelations , but she was also delighted that Richard was incensed enough to raise his voice in such anger .
13 David Dale had been worried by the anarchistic stirrings in France and Europe and was anxious to provide a working environment that would satisfy and care for his work force , as well as increase production .
14 In fact , that afternoon , Miranda had been worried by the swift rise in share price ; she had asked Adam whether he thought anyone might be buying with a view to a takeover bid .
15 In addition , China had been pleased by leadership changes approved by the congress , in particular the removal of Nguyen Co Thach and Mai Chi Tho from the politburo .
16 He admitted that some people in Hong Kong had been alarmed by reports of carnage in Peking but said this was only because they ‘ misunderstood ’ or had been misled by the ‘ false reporting and even rumour of some news media ’ .
17 Though none of the hearing details were revealed by the BAF , it is believed that Johnson had been impressed by the evidence delivered by the sprinter .
18 Nathan had been intrigued by the exotic and androgynous Zambia the day before , and was thankful hir sense of humour outweighed hir outrage at Nathan 's ham fisted remarks .
19 As Fulbright presented it , in what amounted to a proclamation of American innocence and British guilt , the US had been had' by her allies ; and while this may not appear to be entirely convincing , Fulbright had picked up the importance of what Acheson had described as the danger of Ho Chi Minh 's ‘ direct communist connection ’ — and might , indeed , have gone further .
20 The first time , Dalgliesh had been impressed by Massingham 's intelligence and enormous capacity for work , and by his admirable ability to keep his mouth shut and to sense when his chief wanted to be alone .
21 Major has been embarrassed by unauthorised revelations : about his engagingly eccentric brother , Terry , who still bears the family 's original surname , Major-Ball ; and his sister Pat , now retired and in straitened circumstances , who was once taken to court for failing to pay the rates .
22 Andrew had been annoyed by his fall and on the court he went at it as if trying to prove something , beating Peter easily .
23 Kuzmitch did mention that Blake had been unimpressed by the American and British intervention in South Korea but so too were a lot of other people .
24 At first Stuart had been excited by the sight of an occasional fish rising out of the sluggish water , but later he 'd grown bored because he was too small to row successfully , and trailing his hands over the side apparently disturbed the fish ; baling out with the old saucepan also made too much noise .
25 New Zealand had been outraged by the French sabotage of the Greenpeace ship , which had planned to monitor France 's nuclear tests in the Pacific .
26 During that trip , Jehan Sadat had been impressed by the progress made by Iran under the Shah , but she said later that she was also appalled at the extravagant opulence that the rich displayed .
27 Rufus had been astonished by the quantities of junk in that house , the ornaments and knick-knacks and stuff like vases and candlesticks and ashtrays and glass and brass that Hilbert Verne-Smith and his wife had accumulated over the years .
28 St George have been unmoved by the Italian threat and have still chased Ofahengaue .
29 Marlon had been embarrassed by his mum coming to pick him up from the school disco .
30 Mr Hargreaves at Sussex had been surprised by my choice .
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