Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [been] [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Gerald has been married and divorced 4 times .
2 American policy on Afghanistan has been reactive and government spokesmen have been reluctant to define the permissible political bounds of the Afghan regime after a Soviet withdrawal .
3 And again she found herself thinking that maybe Jeff had been right and Guido was simply an insufferable bully , the type of man it would be all too easy to fall out with .
4 Dr Neil had been kind and friendly to her when she had served him breakfast .
5 The night before , Marie had been restless and unable to sleep .
6 Angela Brickell had been small and light ; a pushover .
7 Cadfael had been awake and afield more than an hour by then , for want of a quiet mind , and had filled in the time by ranging along the bushy edges of his peasefields and the shore of the mill pond to gather the white blossoms of the blackthorn , just out of the bud and at their best for infusing , to make a gentle purge for the old men in the infirmary , who could no longer take the strenuous exercise that had formerly kept their bodies in good trim .
8 Most LEAs have been unwilling or unable to improve their ‘ global ’ budgetary provisions for clerical and administrative support for schools .
9 Since then , however , new material on Constantine has been forthcoming and this adds significant new dimensions to the picture .
10 Alan had been busy and had arranged the cremation for the following Wednesday morning .
11 The ploy had worked surprisingly well , especially when Candy had learned that Bernie had been successful and that Ace Elliot was to be the star guest .
12 Athens had been hot and noisy , but it had had a human heart .
13 ‘ It was because I could n't stop myself , because I was driven by the need to know if what I 'd felt in Sintra had been real and still existed .
14 And some of those Americans in England had been influential and important people .
15 That — arrogant brute had implied that her mother had taken his family for a ride financially , yet , according to Ruth Russell , Isabelle had been pregnant and penniless , reduced to working as a mother 's help when Hugh met her .
16 Constance promised that she would , but she was so afraid of the outcome that she knew she could n't , not until she and Ludovico had been married and she was beyond her mother 's power .
17 An inquest opened yesterday where the coroner heard Mrs Patterson had been depressed and receiving hospital treatment .
18 ‘ And the most stark example of it all is the phrase that the Queen and Prince Philip had been sympathetic and supportive .
19 One can imagine that if Xerxes had been successful and absorbed Greece into the Persian empire , Greek archaic art might have crystallised in the decorative academic formulae which characterise Achaemenian ; while the threat and its repulse can be seen as the catalyst which released the spirit of Hellenism , flowering in the fifth century as richly in literature and thought as in the visual arts .
20 Forester had been perfectly correct , the happenings at Langstone had been gross and illogical ; he 'd chosen simply to deny involvement and ignore them .
21 The fact that King Arthur had been Romano-British and engaged in a struggle against Saxon invaders made the whole thing even more nonsensical , but Schellenberg had long since ceased to be amused by the excesses of the Third Reich .
22 Edith had been pregnant and alone , the salesman abandoning her when she had told him her condition .
23 Haig-Thomas had been cheerful and good-natured , and never once had we quarrelled .
24 He stated that , at several times during the following hours , Mr Oliver had been clear-thinking and articulate .
25 As Hilary Land points out in the first of her articles reproduced here , the TUC had been ambivalent and suspicious about the introduction of family allowances throughout the 1930s .
26 Tavett had been shaky but in the end unmoved : he added nothing and changed nothing of what he had said on Saturday .
27 By the time he had been through that and was ready to return , Jennifer had been married and divorced and was almost a stranger again .
28 Jennifer had been restless and we had n't been getting on very well .
29 You can still see it going on today and it still happens does n't it like the Good News Bible if you look at that , I mean this a version of the Bible rewritten , presumably to tell people good news I do n't know , I 've never , never read it but I presume that that 's what the Good News Bible does and we now have countless bibles , where , where , where , where God is , God is female erm my guess is supposing that were the only Bible we had a feminist bible were no other bible and everybody for hundreds of years believed it , my guess is that in the future literary critics and bible critics could study that very carefully and I bet you somewhere there you 'll find internal evidence to show that once God had been male and had his gender changed , I 'm quite sure of it because edit a whole book like the Bible and completely eliminate all the evidence that God was once male would be a very difficult here , here and there you need little bits of evidence and , and again there 's lots of others I 'll mention in the lecture like God 's name .
30 At that time , he was not suspicious of any burglars but thought that Sara had been careless and had left the window unlocked .
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