Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv prt] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The run of good weather brought the high mountain crags into condition early this year , allowing Martin Berzins to tidy up one of his previous efforts on Scafell .
2 One really dismal day when the sky was totally covered by a dense grey blanket of cloud , the OC sent up one of the Mosquito pilots to find out the cloud depth .
3 Kharin , unable to speak a word of English , saw Hitchcock pull off one of the saves of the season as he watched his first match following a £400,000 transfer from CSKA Moscow .
4 The East stand is somewhat of a boon for us ‘ traditionalists ’ who like to stand to watch our teams play … when the Leeds Bond came out one of the perks was season tickets for the new seats in the East Stand at Kop standing prices ( for then existing Kop season ticket holders ) which is/was 180 quid .
5 Separated from Forte dei Marmi by the small Fiumetto channel , Marina di Pietrasanta stretches along one of the most exceptional beaches on the Tuscany coast — three miles of golden sand , up to 200 yards wide in places — simply perfect for relaxing , lazy days in the sun .
6 Fighting down an abrupt rush of fear as she zigzagged across the stone floor to avoid the rifle fire , Benny pulled out one of the small plastic sample bags she always carried , and dropped the paper on to which she had copied the drum 's label into it .
7 The Family Islands make up one of the groups of tiny islands within the Bahamas .
8 In the semi-final , in which I ran second , Cameron Sharp was in the lane adjacent to Chidi , who has a side-to-side action with his running which many felt made Cameron run along one of the lines so that he was disqualified .
9 Duncan pulled up one of the chairs and sat opposite the man .
10 Olympia picked out one of the gems when they released Salmanov 's Fourth Symphony ( 3/89 ) , and I have been listening with much pleasure to Mravinsky 's Melodiya LPs of the previous three symphonies by this intriguing composer .
11 MIKE BIRT kept his head in the choppy conditions at Hove to win round one of the British Funboard Cup .
12 For their part Fleischmann and Pons took along one of their palladium cells ( but one that never produced heat — their heat producers were at that moment fully occupied in gathering data ) .
13 Hussa arrived with her mother and while Shama eased herself on to the carpet and settled against a cushion , Hussa picked up one of the newspapers which a driver brought from the village each morning .
14 In offering advice to aspiring photographers , Dermot points out one of the most common mistakes made by amateurs .
15 Derek lifted up one of these squeaky casings and there , sitting in a row on an oily shaft , were three baby barn owls .
16 Tennyson turning down one of the countless invitations to tea with which he was plagued is one thing .
17 Brenda Denvir takes up one of the most pressing contemporary issues , that of the multiple roles of assessment in schools , by looking at the intimately-related questions of ‘ what are we assessing ? ’ and , ‘ what are we assessing for ? ’
18 ‘ It means , ’ said Duvall holding up one of the paraffin cans , ‘ that we have to burn what we found in that car wreck outside . ’
19 Kenrick Wynne-Jones set up one of the first and best organised of them in Newcastle Wynne-Jones 's work for the Labour Party , added to his success as a chemist , made him a clear choice as a working member of the House of Lords .
20 Based around the most simple of Eddie Cochran chords ( deliberate , as the song deals with the atmosphere of the fifties ) , ‘ Rusholme Ruffians ’ sees a young Morrissey wandering around one of those intensely violent travelling fairs and soaking in the absurdities .
21 Dalgliesh carried over one of the chairs and , carefully avoiding any contact with the window or the sill , looked out .
22 Bob picked up one of the knives laid out for dinner and scored along the grain of the table with it .
23 Bob picked up one of his bedside Vogues and withdrew into the world of the advertisements .
24 Gina ripped up one of his articles .
25 He shot a glance at Ellen , making sure that she had understood him as well as Thessy , then he looked at his watch and shouted for Bellybutton to start up one of the workboats .
26 Henry Condell picked up one of the papers from the table .
27 As Ginsberg read out one of the Russian 's works , the writer himself stalked out of the hall .
28 Her mother took a folder from the drawer of the dresser and Terry took out one of the photographs .
29 Duncan stood back , against the wall , as Myeloski picked up one of the wooden chairs and pulled it up to the cot .
30 Laura held out one of her hands .
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