Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The man who had Carrie and Mikey kidnapped was trained at Balashikha . ’
2 AN AZERI who hijacked a Russian plane so he could go to the United States to work was held on charges of air piracy by a Swedish court yesterday after giving himself up .
3 The church where Ramsey ministered was bombed to bits in the Second World War .
4 Within the general framework of his attack on the humanistic Hegelian tradition of Western Marxism , Althusser 's specific objection to Sartre 's attempt to mediate Marxism with existential subjectivity was that such a move went against the crucial discoveries which had founded Marxism in the first place ; in an extension of Lévi-Strauss ' argument , he maintained that the notion of ‘ man ’ that Sartre used was derived from a particular ideological definition of the human subject which represses Marx 's insight that the human subject is not the centre of history , together with Freud 's that the subject is not centred in consciousness .
5 Now when Simon saw was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands , he offered them money saying , give this authority to me as well so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit .
6 Much of the substantial loss which Coleridge suffered was borne by the uncomplaining and insufficiently thanked Cottle , whose verdict on the Watchman was brief and to the point .
7 Opening the case yesterday , a Crown lawyer told the jury that Mr Winning was employed by the Housing Executive to protect property from vandals .
8 The lattice windows which Hazlitt remembered were replaced by sashes when the Coleridges finally gave up the cottage at the end of 1799
9 Erm that County Council report that Mr quoted was done without any detailed landscape assessment and I think that 's a major failing of that report in its conclusions .
10 The frenetic rhythm of the animation , which Richard Williams suggests was imposed by the producers , may also quite possibly have something to do with concealing the matte lines where live action and animation join — if so , it succeeds in that respect .
11 The decent community solidarity and welfare socialism that Mr Kinnock embodied was caught on the horns of a terrible contradiction , which Labour in opposition did nothing to resolve , since it did not tackle early enough the low tax/public spending anti-welfare consensus that Thatcherism built .
12 The amount of PABA released was estimated with an assay system for urinary PABA ( Eisai Co , Tokyo , Japan ) .
13 The crash of the Sea King helicopter in which twenty members of the S.A.S. died was reported as the regiment 's single greatest loss since a whole troop with an aircraft had been posted missing in the Second World War .
14 Down below , whatever was left of Farley Peters was smeared on the wall .
15 MANCHESTER UNITED were left with egg on their faces yesterday after another abortive effort to land Sheffield Wednesday striker David Hirst .
16 The depth of the resentment Mrs Thatcher aroused was occasioned by the challenge she represented .
17 The optimistic view of mankind that Peto favoured was generated in the 18th Century by the French philosophers of Enlightenment .
18 The first questions Wien asked were related to the resolving power of optical instruments .
19 The last thing he remembered Rufus say was uttered on a murmuring chuckle .
20 Whatever personal problems she and Charles had were put to one side and they gave the people of Wales a visit to remember .
21 Lawton was struggling to get out of his pack the receiver that would pick up the radio signals from the miniature transceiver Forster said was attached to his slayer .
22 Our conference , which Delamothe said was attended by ‘ political activists and pensioners , ’ was intended to open up the debate to the public and to inform people using the service .
23 The resulting report was believed to have established that while Olivetti had not directly breached COCOM guidelines , the company 's technicians working in the Soviet Union may have " upgraded " equipment which the USA claimed was used in developing the Soviet supersonic fighter , the Yak-41 .
24 Government forces reached it by dinghy , as part of an attack which the LTTE said was accompanied by heavy and indiscriminate shelling and bombing over Jaffna .
25 The Minister of State for Trade and Tourism Jonathan Peters was moved to the Prime Minister 's Office in order to assist with foreign affairs , and was replaced by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister 's Office Stuart Nanton .
26 In some of the early work on TL dating of ocean sediments , it was thought that the TL observed was produced by foraminifera or radiolaria and that the zeroing mechanism was the formation of their shells .
27 The housewife who had been sleeping quietly after a Bank Holiday party when The Fox struck was identified by name , age and location .
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