Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With a groan Wattling got out of bed , and then danced cheekily into the bathroom .
2 Averting her eyes , and mentally swatting the butterflies her own erotic thoughts had set fluttering , Luce gazed around with interest while Michele named some of the more important buildings lining the canal 's banks .
3 All positive stuff , as Madeleine Kingsley points out on page 82 , if only you approach it in the right way .
4 TRAINER John Gosden made up for Brier Creek 's narrow Ebor defeat when Badawi took the Andy Capp Handicap at York yesterday , writes Carles Fawcus .
5 Patrick goes out with sparrow legs .
6 Nutty got back on Midnight , swung round and glared at them .
7 Patrick hopped out of bed and came up behind her , wrapping his arms around her waist , resting his chin on her shoulder .
8 LEFT Images of Uranus built up from information sent back in 1986 by Voyager 2 ; the image on the right is in false colour and extreme contrast enhancement to show details of Uranus 's polar regions .
9 Whitlock caught up with Mobuto but remained discreetly in the background while he finished talking to the Chief of Protocol .
10 Fellow Cooperite Sir Brian Jenkins stands down as Mayor on 12 November .
11 Bobby signs off in style
13 Nicaragua 's claims against the United States arose out of conflict in Central America which impinged upon all other States in the area .
14 Pat signs on in style
15 TV Walker kicks off in soccer war
16 She always wanted Mikey to go on to university and become a doctor or a lawyer .
17 New-boy Spencer goes back to school
18 Steven looks up from call to opposite number in Coventry .
19 Bella moved out of sight once more , saying as she did so : ‘ I 'll find a private detective .
20 that 's why Richard phoned up before Christmas said do I want to go round to his place
21 The favour was reciprocated when Dire Straits were re-formed to play at the Nelson Mandela birthday concert at Wembley Stadium , where Clapton helped out on guitar .
22 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich 's film — a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety — is the story of how it came to be made : ambitious kid from Brooklyn drops out of film school , blags some equipment and funds a film on the back of radio appeals .
23 The scheme which Branson spelt out over lunch was indeed revolutionary .
24 The next day , when Edward came down to breakfast , Gordon Lang , the Archbishop of Canterbury , was waiting for him .
25 Biddy drove out of town fast , and down narrow lanes into the country of wide marshland and wider skies which Nails knew existed but had never set eyes on before .
26 Richard came back from work that evening later than he had hoped .
27 Yet at one extreme a genuinely creative entrepreneur like Rupert Murdoch veered off into over-expansion and over- borrowing which have become as life-threatening as the antics of Alan Bond .
28 They could have done it last Friday put up with mind
29 Dr Neil came down to earth with a bump .
30 Ellen dropped out of sight and Billingsley turned back to me .
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