Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] in from " in BNC.

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1 Ray had come in from the country bank and we sat with Margaret through the short service .
2 Said his friend-cum-mentor , Irving Layton , in looking back over the period , ‘ I had a very sharp feeling in the early fifties that poetry in Canada had come in from the cold and was starting to gain momentum . ’
3 This is usually identified with Hollows Tower , still to be seen in a fine state of repair beside the A7 near Canonbie , though it was in a poor state after Lord Dacre had ridden in from England to burn it .
4 Meanwhile , Chapman had flown in from his palatial home on Ibiza and was in his usual itchy , touchy , irritable pre-race state .
5 Ms Toynbee said Schmit had flown in from Zurich earlier that morning and was waiting to travel on another Wardair flight to Vancouver .
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