Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ben got away to a really fast start and there was no heading him .
2 Ben got away to a lightning start and won in a blazing 10.06 seconds ; Chidi ( not going to Scotland ) was second , and I was some way back in third place with 10.32 seconds .
3 The lady Alianor refers always to the new king thus , thought Joan .
4 Because Xtradrive requires a device driver , which means that it is a system level device , bypassing DOS and the BIOS to go straight to the hard disk would result in the swap file not benefiting from compression .
5 In the 100 metres Allan got away to a fine start , I came through fast at the end , there was a photo-finish between us and he got the verdict .
6 Allan got away to the best start and led for the opening thirty metres ( the commentators were going berserk ! ) .
7 This in turn encouraged Samsonov to drive farther to the west than originally intended , before turning northward , in the hope of encircling even greater numbers of Germans .
8 The village of Arrington in Cambridgeshire moved sideways to the improved Old North Road ( A14 ) in the eighteenth century .
9 Ben moved across to the other side s ) f the window , trying to keep them in sight , but he lost them in a moment .
10 Minnis decided to do something for others who might similarly be afflicted which resulted in the Kenilworth Club and the PGL contributing annually to a fund .
11 In December 1932 Nizan referred unequivocally to the " new life " and " new culture " to be instigated by the proletariat in post-revolutionary society , and to the " heroic social project being undertaken in the USSR " .
12 At a banquet in Beijing on Oct. 23 Akihito referred obliquely to the Sino-Japanese War as " an unfortunate period in which my country inflicted great sufferings on the people of China " .
13 The practice of appeal from ducal courts of first instance in the duchy to the Paris Parlement led ultimately to the formulation of the theory of independent Plantagenet sovereignty over Gascony .
14 As Mazur got closer to the big players in the Colombian drug world , one name began to come up more and more often : that of BCCI .
15 The Life of Udalric of Augsburg refers lyrically to the specially composed chants which were performed at the Palm Sunday services on the hill called ‘ Perleihc ’ by the canons and boys of Augsburg cathedral .
16 The fire finally doused with water , a young doctor across the hall was called and he advised Dustin to go immediately to the hospital .
17 Immediately after the war , the United States moved politically to the right and Europe moved dramatically to the left — the prewar establishments had been discredited by appeasement and collaboration .
18 Lisa Stansfield looks forward to the Eighties
19 Donna moved closer to the painting .
20 Hitch moved closer to the prow .
21 The next day Edward came late to the library in an untypically gloomy mood .
22 Marie turned enquiringly to the groom who gently halted the ponies .
23 Nessie went to sit by her son and Nellie turned again to the window .
24 Ablaze with fiery emotions , Meredith walked self-consciously to the bathroom under Lucenzo 's critical eyes .
25 At one minute to air , Scott grinned across to the other newscaster , looked up at the control room , and nodded .
26 Sit at the bar or relax by the pool on the stunning roof-top terrace of the Villa Franca and below the village of Positano stretches downwards to the shoreline — the most marvellous sight .
27 The curtains billowed madly as the wind caught them and Donna dashed across to the light switch and slapped it hard , plunging the room into darkness .
28 Stok went across to the window and looked through the side of the curtain like they do in gangster films .
29 In these circumstances , M. Mitterrand looked forward to a ‘ Yes ’ vote of as much as 70 per cent .
30 ‘ Uncle Elias went immediately to the secret room and took out a box which also had three Ks on it .
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