Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pers pn] over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each evening when we tidied away our papers I expected Edward to invite me over to the Lodge for a drink or a meal , and the invitation was not extended .
2 Burney took him over to the grey slab in the middle of the room .
3 The wardenship was to be held by him , his wife , and his heirs by her , of the king and his heirs for ever : Brewer handed it over to him at Midsummer 1204 .
4 Eager to get him away from Aziz , Robert handed him over to Maisie and peered , once more , carefully around him .
5 Endill thought it over for a few moments .
6 Doug took him over in the week to look Mark 's but I mean they 're beautiful suits
7 Rab pushed her over against the wall in the wall-recessed bed .
8 As Inspector Blakelock turned it over in his large hands , she glimpsed through the plastic a pair of dark blue trousers with a greasy waistband , a wide-lapelled striped jacket , and a pair of black shoes with pointed toes and ornate buckles .
9 Shelley started to question her about Tasso 's La Gerusalemme Liberata , but Byron called her over to him .
10 Owen fingered them over with his exhausted and beaten mind , and bled and burned without tears .
11 Lee slipped off the bike and Philip wheeled it over to the other side of the road .
12 Then , like Shah Jehan with the guests at Dara 's wedding , Mr Postman took us over to the trunk to admire the presents .
13 Said that I was n't to go to the Lab this morning because Mrs. Schofield wanted me over at Leamings particular .
14 Woody Allen passed him over for a musical .
15 Tommy bought it over for my mother .
16 On the eve of Whitsunday Joan drove him over to Ely to see the bishop , his first confessor Edward Wynn .
17 Jon Gittens ' over-hit back pass was dipping under the bar until quick-thinking Pears turned it over with a neatly executed back header .
18 Last night at Edgar Street Torquay turned them over with two goals in four minutes just before half-time .
19 So Emma sent it over to Pook 's Common and Harriet sent it back with a very nice inscription and a signed photo of herself on her horse .
20 Ferryman led them over to Jackie 's cot .
21 ‘ Yeah , ’ the man tells him , ‘ a friend of mine in Kenya sent them over to me .
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