Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] says he do " in BNC.

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1 Bert Green says he does n't know every wave and ripple , but he does know the winning route and he keeps that a secret .
2 Sergeant Newitt says he did n't stop to think about the danger .
3 CHRISTOPHER Gable says he did not set out to deliberately shock .
4 Mr Hellriegel says he does not care if he never sees Mr Glennie again .
5 Yesterday , in a letter to the GP signatories , Mr Fallon says he did not refer to fundholding practices but believes they have benefitted from controlling their budgets .
6 Brian Horton says he does n't honestly know because he does not know how much money he 's got available
7 Malcolm Green says he does a lot of orienteering and this is the big one
8 Terry B says he did n't think he was hitting the bottle but there 's one side of you that takes over and he started to slide down hill … he became and realised it was time to get real with himself and he has n't had a drink since march
9 But Nicholas Doig says he does n't find this a particular problem .
10 John Upson says he did n't use to care too much for the National , because it was cruel to horses , but now it is safer and there 's a lot of magic and mystique attached to it .
11 Company secretary James Anderson says he does not want to set foot in Teesside following the collapse of negotiations to open a prestige caravan storage site at Middlesbrough .
12 The Gloucestershire rider says he does n't want to break any more bones , and wants to stop racing while he 's still giving value for money .
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