Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] had [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the singers knew their place in that production — almost miraculously , Gergiev had coaxed Sergei Leiferkus away from a couple of London Fiery Angels to sing Tomsky for old times ' sake — but one of Gergiev 's protégés , Gegam Gregorian , was tackling Hermann for the first time , and Maria Guleghina had flown in for Lisa .
2 Like The Fabulous Baker Boys , the King Brothers had broken up as much because they 'd ‘ had it up to here ’ as because of the ominous advent of ‘ the group ’ .
3 Capricious and Lothian , two of the flotilla 's escort frigates , swung at their buoys , which could only mean that the Jan Mayen had gone out to bring the submarine in .
4 As Dean Acheson had commented back in 1962 , Britain had indeed lost an empire yet failed to find a post-imperial role .
5 It was not far from Moira roundabout to Aldergrove , a half an hour or so , but by the time Rory dropped her at her car , Jessica Roberts had made up her mind .
6 Jim Scott had locked up .
7 Earlier a smaller number of Cardiff supporters had run on to the pitch in celebration of their side 's equaliser in a game which the Welsh club eventually won 4–2 .
8 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
9 We visited the spot where in June 1914 , Gavrilo Princip had stepped out of the shadowy twisting maze that forms Sarajevo 's Turkish old town , onto a broad Austrian boulevard , and shot dead the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Throne , Archduke Franz Ferdinand , the first shot of the First World War .
10 David Linacre had dozed off on the sofa one evening when his daughter Heidi came in and asked who was in the shower .
11 As I entered , Miss Kenton had turned back to the window .
12 Mrs. Fairfax had come along with Sandra in the first place .
13 After Richard Eaton had cancelled out a second minute opener from Kenny Morris on 20 minutes , John Stephens shot Annadale into the lead with a superb finish to two minutes into the second period .
14 When the local doctor , confounded by the sparrow size of his patients , informed the couple that they were to become parents , llya Holovich had dropped her lined and weary face to her chest and wept , and Stepan Holovich had jumped up from his chair and then scratched between his thin grey hair and laughed .
15 The prosecution claimed Jean-Marc Brennez was somebody Miss Giles had made up and the reason it was billed only as a surprise film was because she knew she did not have the right to show it .
16 Although reported that the A.A. crews had shot down a Ju88 , their claims for the day were for five Ju87s shot down , four probables and one damaged .
17 Miss Bond had gone out to buy something simple for their lunch .
18 The day I met him in London , he was disappointed because a black comedy thriller with Dennis Hopper and Kyle MacLachlan had fallen through .
19 Miss Braithwaite had picked up the gap in Hereward 's curriculum vitae fast enough .
20 And of course Gramps had never left his wife — because he had never been going to , because he had n't been the father ; but that was obviously the story Marie O'Donnell had put about — the story her family believed .
21 The Hamadan clan , like the Jafaars , had been involved in a losing struggle against the Syrian cartel ever since Rifat Assad and Monzer al-Kassar had taken over the Bekaa Valley in 1975 with the help of the Syrian Army .
22 ( Indeed , Conservative leader Stanley Baldwin commented at one point that the United States Constitution had broken down and was giving way to dictatorship . )
23 Sir Richard Springall had sobered up surprisingly quickly .
24 As its critic Richard Grove had pointed out , the original plan was for the trees to live much longer ( and become more valuable timber ) , only the Commission had badly underestimated how windy it was in the British Isles , and the Sitka spruce suffered badly from ‘ wind-blow ’ , which stressed the timber and made sure that the trees would never reach the grand dimensions they do in their native temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest .
25 He was also working on Cornish subjects based on drawings made the previous March when he , Eric Verrico and Bobby Hunt had gone down to Mevagissey , where Nessie Dunsmuir was living alone whilst Sydney Graham was in America .
26 Miss Clinton had driven down the dale , but as she was bound for Scotland she would cross the river by the road-bridge four miles down and then turn back again upstream on the opposite side of the river .
27 Miss Mates had brought in Sally-Anne 's basket after Dr Neil had intervened to save her , and driven off a Jem Higgins who was by then a little fearful at having laid Sally-Anne so low .
28 Auchinleck 's attacks against the German and Italian positions along the Alamein line had petered out , and Churchill determined on a change of command in the Middle East .
29 Except that the face on it was black , it was pretty nearly the same as the one Mother Bombie had put up for Joy Prentice .
30 Miss Merchiston had wandered out of the room , calling out again .
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