Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] and be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We left Miami on a Tuesday afternoon and were in A-1 's Los Angeles ' office by midday on Saturday .
2 I worked my guts out getting my Doctorate , so that I could be a member of Project Eden and be with you .
3 Angie Bowie : ‘ By this time , David had left Ken Pitt and was with Tony DeFries .
4 Andy has six full England caps and was in the England team that competed in the recent European Championship .
5 Brent Council : a minority Tory administration kept in power by the two-member ‘ Democratic Labour Party ’ , two Africanist former Labour councillors , one of whom has publicly praised Idi Amin and is under investigation by the fraud squad .
6 Drafted by the Conservative Research Department , it was presented by William Whitelaw , the Shadow Home Secretary , and David Howell , formerly a junior Minister who had worked under Whitelaw at the Northern Ireland Office and was at the time a Front Bench spokesman on Home Affairs .
7 The commission for a new tomb for the philosopher , to replace the simple stone that marks his grave on the Catalan coast , had been given to the Israeli artist Dani Karavan in 1989 by the Arbeitskreis Selbständiger Kulturinstitut and was to be financed to the tune of DM1 million by the German Foreign Ministry .
8 It is carved out of Purbeck marble and is of a knight in barrel helmet and banded-mail .
9 Resolved that , from the report of the Committee consisting of the Earl of Morton , Chairman , & c this meeting is perfectly satisfied with the Character & Conduct of the Professor Mr Vial and is of opinion that the conduct of the Secretary Mr Huntingford is highly culpable in having propagated reports injurious to the Professor Mr Vial after he had reason to be satisfied the [ sic ] were groundless . ’
10 He played for Shropshire and Herefordshire boys and was in the same team as Sandy Lyle ; many years later they met in the final of the 1987 Suntory World Matchplay Championship and Woosnam became the first British winner .
11 Her Maria blossoms and is by turns sweetly protective and vulnerable , generally very sexy and completely convincing .
12 Now this was , really , rather a low-key introduction to a whole new way of life that at the moment is sweeping through the United States and is on our doorstep .
13 This is a game I came across in the United States and is for older children aged seven and upwards .
14 The cabinets are closely related to a pair in the Getty Museum and were in the collection of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild at the Schloss Schilldersdorf , Silesia , earlier this century .
15 Preference shares may carry the right to conversion into ordinary shares and will usually be redeemable to provide the institutions with an exit equating to repayment of a loan ; ( d ) determining the amount of loan finance required from the banks , taking into account the provisions of ss338 and 349 TA 1988 , which require annual interest payable by Newco to be subject to deduction of basic rate income tax at source unless it is paid to a bank carrying on a bona fide banking business in the United Kingdom and is in respect of an " advance " .
16 This was to be half as large again as St Polyeuktos and was by contrast restrained in its decoration .
17 Market Booster represents Dermot Weld and is on course for the Arc .
18 Market Booster represents Dermot Weld and is on course for the Arc .
19 Raskolnikov asks himself after he has helped the Marmeladov family and been in contact with little children .
20 Lloyd Bullock was once a student in Liebig 's Geissen laboratory and was at that time involved in establishing a similar laboratory in London .
21 Although it has yet to join the DIA , IBM said it is evaluating AlphaWindows technology and is in ‘ active discussions ’ with a UK company — thought to be Microvitec — about a possible OEM deal to be announced by the end of the year .
22 Oxford Youth Theatre is at the heart of Pegasus Theatre and is for 14–25 year olds living in Oxfordshire .
23 Hawkinge is one of the few remaining Battle of Britain airfields and is under threat from the developers , with the possibility of several hundred houses being built between the existing Battle of Britain Museum and the well-known gap on the cliffs overlooking Folkestone .
24 During the summer QC , the immediate past Chairman of the Bar Services Committee , attended the ABA Conference in San Francisco and was in daily contact by video conference from the PictureTel stand in the Expo .
25 Doug Jones had at this time , been split from his mates of the Wolverton Company and was on a working party with a group of Queen Victoria Rifles men , detailed to drain some marshes in Poland .
26 He collapsed at the inaugural conference of the Serbian Socialist Party for Kosovo and Metohija , which replaced the Kosovo LC and was to be subordinate to the Serbian Socialist Party formed in July [ see p. 37622 ] .
27 As one who has shared a platform with Chris Baines and been in audiences when his oratory and enthusiasm for the natural world have captivated those present , I am reluctantly prompted to write to correct his distorted and unfair portrayal of the fee-basis and motivation of landscape architects ( The Baines Report , November ) .
28 Be careful , he warned , when buying bulbs such as cyclamen — some rarer varieties are gathered indiscriminately from certain parts of the Mediterranean and Turkey area and are in danger of disappearing .
29 The Church of the Nativity ( 1734–5 ) is behind the Santa Casa and is by J. G. Aichbauer , half-brother of K. I. Dientzenhofer .
30 She 'd been completely refitted in Gloucester docks and was on her way to Southampton via the Gloucester to Sharpness canal .
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