Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [conj] [det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Barr says that this will mean repayments of about £88 a month for a London student and that many , finding themselves unable to afford this , will have to extend the repayment period .
2 This rocket was , this Scott said that that would take him to the moon .
3 The tournament moves to Wembley today and Wright believes that this will prove to be to her advantage because the Perspex court is better suited to her slower style of play .
4 It can also thus be the entrée into a further development : Hilton stresses that this may not be part of the natural development of his particular correspondent .
5 Replying for the General Committee , Barnes argued that this would alienate the movement from organised labour .
6 Possibly Mr Andreotti sensed that little will change this time round .
7 Cornelius feared that this would more than likely be the case .
8 A less controversial proposal was a constitutional ban on the extradition of drug traffickers to stand trial in the United States ; Gaviria denied that this would mean traffickers would be treated more leniently [ see p. 38001 ] .
9 Sukarno denied that this would be truly independent : ‘ There was a world revolution of new emerging forces against the old established order … a revolution against the exploitation of man against man .
10 Sistelcom general manager Jesus Prieto said that this will be the first time that a radio-paging service has used satellite for the transmission of messages .
11 Surely the BBC and ITV realise that this could be dangerous if young children were to follow their example ?
12 Preliminary contacts with Kew suggest that this might be a profitable service , which could attract EC investment for work involving several institutions in different countries .
13 However Ares ' Chairman Rob Friedman says that this will be noticeable only by the typographic elite and that the output is more than acceptable for most publishing applications .
14 Speaking at the launch of the Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook 1992–93 RFU president Danie Serfontein warned that this could happen if the union feels that it can not put an end to illegal inducements , which he described as being ‘ widespread ’ .
15 Winnie felt that this could lead to somewhat alarming disclosures which might be regretted by all .
16 Deng Xiaoping hoped that this would satisfy conservative critics wary of reform and keep in check any unhealthy tendencies among the younger generation .
17 Harold said that this would be a most unhappy way of putting it .
18 Indeed , Wallis argues that these would in fact be most unlikely .
19 Mrs D'Ancona believes that this will allow each museum director to take his own stand on this controversial issue .
20 Two slender arms extended towards her and Martha realised that this must be her mother .
21 Jordan objected that this would violate its sovereignty .
22 UNITA maintained that this could be done only if there were a reciprocal withdrawal by government troops , and if the process were supervised by the UN .
23 Labour Minister Carlos Torres y Torres acknowledged that this would leave minimum wages well below the necessary minimum for subsistence , estimated at 87,000,000 intis ( approximately US$270 ) , but stated that any further increase would raise inflation and bankrupt small businesses .
24 Nicolaus speculates that this could give ecologists a method of controlling predation on eggs of rare birds .
25 Walesa said that this would lead to a fragmented and weak parliament and that he preferred a system in which voters would choose a party first and then candidates from a party list .
26 Greenpeace say that this can only be the tip of the iceberg , as far more arrives clandestinely .
27 Papandreou reckons that this would allow EC governments which already ban or severely limit promotion of the killer weed to block imports of magazines which carry cigarette advertisements .
28 Jaq understood that this must be a warp-ship , protected against the forces in that ocean .
29 Miloš feared that this would fail and that the reprisals which the Turks might take would result in the loss of all the gains which the Serbs had made since 1815 .
30 And it is because the new humanity is made up of free men and women that God wishes that all should be saved : his delay in invading the world and bringing an end to history is to allow time for the new humanity to supplant the old .
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