Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Olive Maguiness argued that the scholarship system itself was dysgenic because of its effects on social mobility ; she wrote that the bright members of the working class were removed from their environment , which encouraged fertility , and encouraged to defer child-bearing in favour of career .
2 Taking a more liberal line than the bishop , Temple argued that the finger of God was to be discerned in the laws of nature , not in the current limits of scientific knowledge .
3 In his brilliant pamphlet , Europe and the Constitution after Maastricht , produced for the Society of Conservative lawyers , Martin Howe argued that the Community law can already be conceived as being on a higher level than national law :
4 In the US Congress , Secretary of State James Baker recommended that the President should not submit the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , signed in Paris in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] , for Senate ratification .
5 Rejecting pluralist and other writings as a conscious decision by academies to defend the privileges which this new system of power gave to them through military and industrial contracts , Mills argued that the power elite could be defined in terms of the institutional positions which people commanded in society .
6 Aristotle argued that the polis allowed free men to take public decisions , for the good of the citizens and not simply for the private material advantage of the most powerful .
7 Gower argued that the evidence from the United States shows that regulation does not affect market efficiency either beneficially or adversely .
8 Isabelle Jan surmised that the lack of ‘ the essential emotional outlet of erotic passion ’ in children 's literature led to ‘ more or less disguised and distorted substitutes for adult love ’ but goes on to point out that passionate feeling can be , and is , expressed strongly in family relationships .
9 But beleaguered boss Graham Taylor asked if the pressure was off replied with a wry smile : ‘ Not really . ’
10 In a collection of essays on a National Curriculum in the United States , published in the American journal Salmagundi in 1986 , Robert Scholes insists that the establishment of a canon , a list of great masterpieces , works of genius , removes the chosen texts from history and from human actualities , placing them forever behind a veil of pieties ; it fosters a reverential rather than a critical approach .
11 Once an ambulance crew has given initial aid to a seriously injured patient , a paramedic will consult a specialist at Stoke to see if the person should be taken there .
12 In late August , however , only days before the body was due to be transported , Imelda Marcos announced that the burial had been delayed on the grounds that she would not submit the body of her husband to the " indignity " of being transported on the cargo aircraft which had been offered by the Philippines ' government .
13 A significant court ruling on the subject of sexual harassment was handed down on April 16 , when a judge in Fukuoka ruled that a publishing company had violated the rights of a former female employee who had felt obliged to leave her job after allegations of alcoholism and sexual promiscuity against her .
14 As the two girls whirled downstairs towards the clattering dining room , Victoria realised that a wedge had been tapped into their ten-year friendship .
15 There is a further clause in the 1950 law that permitted Manor to confirm that a man or woman was not an absentee if that person left his place of residence ‘ for fear that the enemies of Israel might cause him harm or otherwise than by reason or for fear of military operations , .
16 In a report from Leningrad , Pravda revealed that the city 's first secretary , Mr Anatoly Gerasimov , had been relieved of his post , which was taken over by the Leningrad regional boss , Mr Boris Gidaspov , combining the two jobs .
17 In a report from Leningrad , Pravda revealed that the city 's first secretary , Mr Anatoly Gerasimov , had been relieved of his post , which was taken over by the Leningrad regional boss , Mr Boris Gidaspov , combining the two jobs .
18 While the Romantic artists challenged materialism at the emotional level , the exponents of Naturphilosophie argued that the material world was merely a projection of a deeper , spiritual reality .
19 In 1872 the Catholic Archbishop Cardinal Manning announced that the majority of clerics now believed that there was nothing incompatible between evolutionary science and their own theological system .
20 The image used by Spitzer of the " philological circle " , the circle of understanding , is more appropriate Spitzer argued that the task of linguistic-literary explanation proceeded by the movement to and fro from linguistic details to the literary " centre " of a work or a writer 's art .
21 The leader of all the Russias admitted that the country 's economic and social crisis amounted to a ‘ sword of Damocles ’ hanging over it .
22 After breakfast Miss Hardbroom announced that the rest of the morning would be devoted to cat-training .
23 Whichever bell was tolling , the question-and-answer on the specific issue of the FBR revealed that the committee was dealing with a legendary creature indifferent to the usual processes of judgement , time and fate .
24 Regional Magistrate Gerry Harty agreed that the firm had a good record and said it bought vast quantities for distribution to its various stores .
25 Heisenberg realised that the formalism also implicitly prescribed what can be measured and how well .
26 Mr Lawson admitted that the interest rate rise was extremely ‘ embarrassing , awkward and uncomfortable ’ , coming as it did on the eve of the Conservative Party Conference .
27 Kant argued that the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity can be meaningfully drawn only in the domain of the phenomenal ; i.e. within the context of space and time , which , according to him , are the " forms of our intuition " and not properties of things in themselves .
28 Lords Justices Kennedy and Hirst agreed that the challenge had not been properly brought .
29 Similarly , the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany argued that a member state might legitimately adopt appropriate criteria with regard to the grant of flag rights in order to safeguard the objectives of the Community system of fishing quotas ; it considered that , if necessary , the criteria adopted to that end might be contrary to the E.E.C .
30 On his arrival in Cairo , Peres announced that the start of " significant negotiations with the Palestinians " was " very close " , a sentiment he reiterated after meeting President Hosni Mubarak on Jan. 24 .
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