Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the decade before the war , Jewish settlement in the East End led to some involvement in the London underworld on the part of the Jewish population .
2 The Chinese want to put pressure on Vietnam , and Peking has made clear that it will continue sending arms until the Vietnamese-installed government of Hun Sen agrees to some form of power-sharing that includes the Khmer Rouge .
3 Margaret Irwin refers to some women making between 20s and 30s a week on piece-work on a particular contract ( the valuation rolls ) .
4 Kefalov bulged like some fossil brain adorned with innumerable ridges .
5 Rizla waded into some plastic sheeting and resumed her second teething phase with it .
6 For his part Humphrys maintained with some justice that any binding provision would not be compatible with Iraq 's future independent status .
7 BML has for some time been concerned about the declining popularity of the NBS , which began in a blaze of publicity in 1955 .
8 The University of Warwick has for some time provided the possibility of studying both English and foreign texts in a comparative way at undergraduate level .
9 Elisa rose in some confusion , wishing to remonstrate with her host about the abundance of his generosity .
10 Minsky and Papert studied in some detail how elaborate a perceptron must be in order to recognise a particular class .
11 He found Shiloh lying in some bushes .
12 ‘ The biggest gap we had ’ , he said , ‘ was trying to get the Falklands put before some kind of Cabinet committee .
13 Blaney 's success in the States lasted for some years and then , in 1910 , the affluent company decided to tour Great Britain .
14 ‘ We must be giving them quite some headaches in the Pentagon , ’ Hawkins said in some satisfaction .
15 Richard shrugged with some diffidence .
16 Therese said with some ferocity , ‘ They think of themselves . ’
17 ‘ I 'm going to have to travel up to London every day of the week , ’ Meredith said with some regret .
18 ( Julia MacRae/Walker , £6.99 ) Pat returns to some characters she created in The Surprise Party , a book she did over 20 years ago which has become something of a classic .
19 The Gesta describes in some detail the journey of Peter to Rome to receive the belt , the symbol of the Christian warrior , and the diadem or crown , the symbol of kingship .
20 It is therefore possible for membership of a CU to lead to some countries experiencing long-term problems in coming to terms with the new competitive environment .
21 He will start on the substitutes ' bench and Souness said : ‘ The chances are good people will see Barnes involved at some stage . ’
22 England suffered to some extent from a similar gulf between her real power and her ceremonial status during the Interregnum of 1649 – 60 , a gulf in this case deepened by the widespread hostility aroused by the execution of Charles I. For several years the standing of the representatives abroad of the various Commonwealth governments was seriously weakened by the disappearance of the monarchy : in 1654 , for example , the Danish ambassador in Sweden claimed precedence over his English equivalent since the latter was acting for Cromwell , a mere protector , not for an anointed king .
23 Wordsworth sees with some prescience that political beliefs will be the calls to battle in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries — you might say !
24 Abrams himself , North remarked with some heat , did not need to ask ; he knew ; but at a certain point , knowledge became uncomfortable .
25 ’ … frightened when I arrived in London today , ’ he heard Tessa saying at some stage .
26 Again Hugh thought for some time .
27 Juliet Kellner spoke to some people who pay less than they might — or none at all — and found out how they salve their consciences .
28 As a young man , Sewell appeared to some observers to be eccentric and reserved , but at the same time he was looked upon as a steady , attentive and exemplary apprentice .
29 Theodore pointed to some entries , flipped over several pages and indicated several more .
30 After early May , Mrs Noble relented to some extent .
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