Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] was n't " in BNC.

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1 As a full stomach makes it even harder for a baby with RDS to breathe he was n't able to feed for the first few days and relied on the drip .
2 For an extraordinary moment , because of the faint frown he gave , Meredith thought he was n't sure , and then he recovered his poise .
3 It was some time after eleven when noises were made about turning in , though as everyone stood up , to her surprise , though not anyone else 's , Travis said he was n't ready for bed yet and was going out .
4 Dionne said it was n't love , but who 's counting ?
5 Markby hoped it was n't intended to imitate him .
6 But Richard said it was n't necessary .
7 Did Alan know he was n't Donna 's father ?
8 In 1974 the Secretary of State , Mr Gordon Campbell , announced that after discussions with the Lord Advocate , he proposed to take no further action and a year later , after a change of government , his Labour successor Mr William Ross said he was n't going to act either .
9 Belinda said it was and Brenda said it was n't .
10 Caro knew she was n't listening .
11 When you said Phil thought he was n't , I 'm not listening .
12 We have the problem though of getting them Donald said he was n't prepared to .
13 Orton wrote to Williams hoping he was n't too upset .
14 Stephen wished she was n't always there .
15 The two have never seen eye to eye apparently and although some papers called him a hothead , Horton insists he was n't going to have a go at the ref , who was given a police escort back to the dressing rooms .
16 Philip reckoned he was n't as big as him but you could n't have told what age he was .
17 Earlier a drugs worker had given evidence relating to general drugs policies but Sheriff Archibald Bell QC said it was n't the court 's job to listen to critisism of government agencies , local authorities or individuals who were n't represented .
18 wh is i yeah but Lee said they was n't , they were just , I think kids that er rough kids there was big coloured
19 Sam hoped he was n't one of those New Age mystical types .
20 But Cooke added he was n't going to prejudge the incident .
21 Oxfam says it was n't aware of a warning about the beads , issued seven months ago .
22 At the time Sinha thought it was n't very likely and forgot about it .
23 Meeting clubbers from both Manchester and Liverpool that night in Atlantis proved it was n't an idle boast .
24 Auntie Lou said it was n't far down the hill .
25 When it had gone midnight Lowell knew she was n't coming .
26 ‘ You 're a shepherd of men , ’ said Betty , and Lydia hoped she was n't going to be roguish .
27 " Wo n't you tell us , dear ? " she pleaded , but Kate said it was n't her secret to tell .
28 She said she told Ernie what she told Frank Galloway an' Ernie said 'e was n't goin' ter get involved , an' she should send the vicar round ter sort Galloway out .
29 Until Hepzibah said there was n't a Will anywhere .
30 I got the feeling Bob said it was n't
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