Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Saints boss Ian Branfoot made it a double raid on London when he also signed Chelsea 's Dutch defender Ken Monkou for a similar figure .
2 Feynman offers us a simple way to see that this happens .
3 Geraldine read us a short story and , as I had each contraction , I 'd kneel over a bean bag .
4 But Pascoe found her a great deal of help in restoring his rather worn manly pride .
5 and we 'll be joining all the Irish folk at Cheltenham … do n't think Carmody 's mare will be running … but we 'll be following those that are with special reports from the festival all next week … for football fans the big one is tomorrow … at the Manor Ground its the Central South second division derby Oxford against Swindon …
6 For Foster the resurfaced family tradition of unionism and his newly acquired loyalty to Paisley made him an active and enthusiastic supporter of his political activities .
7 Meredith flung him an eager glance , enthralled by the noise , the snow , the funereal gondolas bobbing in the water .
8 Sir Michael Angus made it a double whammy for Unilever as the outgoing plc chairman , soon to take up the cudgels on behalf of the CBI , entered the International Marketing Hall of Fame .
9 There was one moment of which I was particularly proud , and Richard made it a magic one .
10 When the show finally ended and the house lights came up , Lucy found herself a backstage corner and waited for a while longer .
11 Caroline found herself saying impulsively , regretting the impulse immediately as Anneliese cast her a surprised look .
12 Christina cringed as Susanna pronounced it the American way .
13 Shiona darted him a quick look , her heart still pounding .
14 Humankind condemned itself a long while ago to a perpetual diet of catastrophe .
15 Yeah Sue told me the other day that er she wo n't come out till she 's , she 's right cold .
16 Shiona threw him a harsh look as , shrugging off his hand , she climbed into the passenger seat .
17 Shiona threw him a hard look .
18 Callum handed her a tall glass of orange juice , which Robyn accepted thankfully .
19 Rex turned her a surprised stare .
20 But , she says , she did think that Ken showed him a certain degree of respect .
21 Monsieur Saulnier informed me the other day that it was not usual in this part of Normandy to have so many mosquitoes .
22 ‘ It 's absolutely ages since I went to a party , ’ she remarked happily , as Richard handed her a tall , frosted glass .
23 Doogie allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction as Shifty-Eyes hit the road , then he turned and grabbed Pointy-Beard 's tie .
24 Yet the PLO enjoyed what every Arab regime lacked and needed most of all , the heartfelt loyalty of the people it represented .
25 The result was that after two years out of racing , Niki asked Ron Dennis to give him a private test — mainly to assure himself that he had not lost his skill and that he could face the new world of FI wing cars , quicker and much more road-adhering than the old generation .
26 A quick flick of a comb through her hair — there was no hat to accessorise this dress — she reached for the crocodile clutch bag and moved towards the doorway for Arlene to give her a quick check before she stepped out onto the catwalk again .
27 Mrs Singh remarked what a long way it seemed .
28 So , so are the kind of reasons why Moscavisi calls them the black books .
29 Brother Cadfael brought him a warming drink , and a draught to settle his stomach , and they left him to sleep it off .
30 Harrods sent me a tiny twist of the stuff and I can report that when made it is extraordinarily clear and pale .
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