Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Or there 's the chance Mills got murdered by a sadistic lunatic , ’ Urquhart added .
2 Taylor promised to abide by the Yamoussoukro settlement , although on Nov. 6 he stressed that he would defend the country against outside threats .
3 As to the political secrets that the KGB has gathered by the basketful over the last 40 years , few seem to have made much impact on the monolithic structure of Russia 's political machine .
4 Donna seemed transfixed by the approaching men .
5 As he watched his enemy climb into a teacher 's car to be driven to the dentist , Richard felt agitated by a mixture of anger , fear and pleasure .
6 If Herod felt threatened by a recently born child , it can only have been because of what the child intrinsically was — a rightful king , for example , with a claim to the throne which even Rome , in the interests of peace and stability , might recognise .
7 In the 1990 general election the UMNO candidate in Bayu had won by a majority of 5,774 .
8 Mrs Wright had stopped by the feeding-ground .
9 Station Officer Dave Fairley of Bishop Auckland Fire Station said Mr Deacon had escaped by the time his officers reached the scene at 2.30am yesterday .
10 Edward had arrived by the overnight train and felt like death .
11 But , what Freud had realized by the nineteen twenties was that there are lots of different ways of doing that , and has given one example .
12 Ricky and Lucy have finished by the way .
13 Zack seemed pacified by the thought that there was someone with nerves more ragged than his own .
14 In response to the first Nescafe Boycott , Nestle agreed to abide by the WHO/Unicef International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes .
15 Mary and Reggie said , " Do sit down and join us , " but just as the six had repelled Mary and Reggie , so now did Mary and Reggie seem surrounded by an invisible current : Keep off .
16 Quite what Mrs Diamond meant to convey by the phrase ‘ not right ’ was as impenetrable as it was incontrovertible .
17 The contract , which Ribas expects to sign by the end of June , is to provide a system that will enable Telefonica to provide itemised billing .
18 Electronic Data Systems Corp has agreement in principle with Telefonica de Espana SA to provide ‘ substantial systems integration services in the billing area , ’ says Xavier Ribas , EDS director of marketing for southern Europe : the contract , which Ribas expects to sign by the end of June , would provide a system that will enable Telefonica to provide itemised billing ; although an exact figure was not available , Ribas says it would be ‘ probably one of largest software and services contracts ever signed by Telefonica — ‘ There is a lot of public pressure on Telefonica for better service , especially in this area ; our piece is part of a more complex modernisation programme being undertaken by Telefonica , including the installation of digital lines ’ ; the planned system will be installed gradually , according to geographic areas , he added .
19 Through a misunderstanding about the Tsarina 's intentions , Eugénie did not accompany her husband , who was thus left at a slight disadvantage when Alexander appeared accompanied by the Empress Maria .
20 Ibn Fayoud had stopped by a Jaguar XJS .
21 That 's the end of the game , that 's the end of it because on on erm once h Holland needed to lose right , they had to lose , Holland , and er Poland needed to beat Holland and England had to win by a seven goal majority I E seven nil or eight one , seven one would n't have been enough even if Holland had lost
22 He went on to say : ‘ Student numbers in Scotland have increased by a remarkable 25 per cent since 1983 to nearly 110,000 and we fully expect by the end of the century that more than 40 per cent of young Scots will enter higher education .
23 The UN felt swamped by the quality and quantity of NATO staff work — NATO planners turned up with no fewer than five bound volumes — in the initial stages of the joint operation that was set up to keep the peace in Bosnia should the Bosnian Serbs join the Croats and Muslims in accepting the Vance-Owen peace plan .
24 The numbers playing in Ulster has increased by an estimated 40 per cent in the last decade or so .
25 And our Lord in the words that we 've read gives a very solemn answer to that question in the , in those words that we read a few moments ago and his immediate answer to the question you know are there few that be saved , was to say many , this was in the following verse , many shall not be able to be saved , now does that mean that only a few will be saved , that there 's only a few people who are gon na be in heaven that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for about a handful of people , a small percentage does that what it , is that what it means , well lets look and see what the bible has to say , in Matthew chapter seven in verse thirteen and verse fourteen , this is what Jesus says enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many of those who enter by it , for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life , but few of those who find it any way in the same book , in , in Matthew in , in , in chapter twenty two and in , in , in verse fourteen , listen again to what it says there Jesus is speaking he says for many a called , but few are chosen
26 What might Jesus have meant by the Parable of the Sower when he first told it ?
27 Sincerely yours , ( Prof. ) Richard von Krafft-Ebing Anna felt touched by the simple letter of a girl dead , no doubt , these fifty years .
28 Gilbert felt moved by the film 's story — that of a woman forced by circumstances to turn to prostitution — to state that his own mother was a whore .
29 If Mr Yeltsin tries to play by the rules as he moves towards a new constitutional order , he will fail , because parliament can make up the rules as it goes along .
30 Jesus had lived by the spirit of God .
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